Home With Me Is Where You Belong

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"Hello, Granddad. Mother," The voice said as Kaylen stared at her father. She knew that voice without question. It was a voice that was silenced to her almost two years ago. Kaylen took a deep breath and stood up to turn around. "Talia, is that you?"

"Yes, it is, Mother," Talia said as she walked over towards Kaylen and Jared. She stared at Kaylen in surprise, not in a pleased manner. Jared kept his stoic expression as he watched his granddaughter and daughter stare at each other. He had expected this kind of reaction. "Well, go ahead and say it, Mother. The prodigal daughter has returned. And, yes, I have. I have returned to take it all back. I am going to take back my life, my father's dignity and most especially, I am going to take back Prentice International. Look out, Avis, because here I come." Talia smirked as Jared beamed with pride.

"So, you've returned to town to wreak havoc on your cousin, huh? Uh-huh. That is not gonna happen, my dear," Kaylen said as she stared at her daughter. "I don't give a damn what you and your grandfather got up your sleeves. There is no way in hell, I am going to let you get wrapped up in some sort of scheme to bring down your own family."

"Mother, first of all, we haven't even seen each other in over two years, so I don't answer to you. And, second of all, Avis is barely my family. He and Jaycen have always lived in their own little world."

Kaylen rolled her eyes as she looked over at Jared, "My daughter... still the spoiled little bitch she was when she left the first time. And, you are still the bitter asshole who just couldn't be trusted in the first damned place. Grandfather left the company to Avis because he was the BEST choice...not you and certainly not my daughter."

Talia sighed deeply as she watched her mother do her obligatory show, but kept watching her reproachfully. "I hope you have a good explanation for talking to your only child like that?"

"An explanation? I owe you an explanation. I don't owe you anything, Talia. You are the one who has been traipsing around Europe for the past two years, while I have been here trying to rebuild my life after your father died."

"You mean, after you killed him," Talia said as she walked over to face her mother. "I still don't believe your story about Daddy deciding to leave us and rushing out the house ramming his car into a tree."

"Look, Talia, that is what happened. Your mother wasn't the cause of your father's death. Now, I didn't summon you hear to dredge all that up on my time anyway. I brought you here to help me regain control of our family business. Your mother is a part of this family and she is gonna be a part of the plan."

"Plan? Dad, what plan? You are going up against your own son and grandson for something that is rightfully theirs. Grandfather left it to them and I don't see Grandmother; your mother, contesting anything. She is still over their South America living her best life and not worrying about all of this simple stuff."

"That's all you got to say? Mother, the only reason Alexis isn't contesting anything is because he left her more than enough to live off of for the rest of her life. And, she still has her seat on the board of directors, as do you. You two have no need to complain."

"I don't care about that seat on the board. Besides, with Avis having 52% of the stock, the board doesn't really matter. He is the supreme power and authority. Not even your great-grandfather had that many shares in the company."

"So, how did my dear cousin end up with more than half the stock in the company?"

"He's not saying, but Jaycen owned stock in Prentice International before your great-grandfather died and after receiving what he got in the original will, he signed his stock over to the law offices of James, Farlow and Truitt. Eleanor Farlow converted the shares into the stock that my father already had in Prentice International and staged a coup on Avis' birthday. She gave Avis the stock that Jonathan had already intended for him to have and combined Jaycen's stock with it," Jared explained as he looked at his granddaughter.

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