Damaged Minds, Hearts and Souls: Part II

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I had planned a bachelor party for Aubrey and Justin in my hotel room

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I had planned a bachelor party for Aubrey and Justin in my hotel room. We had a card table set up with wine and cigars. And, I had ordered a a couple of strippers. What Aubrey didn't know was that the strippers were female. I figured since he was marrying a man, that he wouldn't have any problem with his last night being a single man. I am okay with Aubrey being with Jaycen because as long as Aubrey is happy, I am happy.

Aubrey, myself, Justin, Jeremy, Deray, Trey, Ashton, Aaron, Derek and Leslie all sat around drinking, smoking cigars and talking shit about life, love and relationships. Per my request, we were all dressed in our robes, T-shirts and underwear. If we were going to be chilling together all night, we were going to be comfortable. Deray was the only one not dressed appropriately since he kept saying that he had something to take care of before he got settled in. I accepted that, but told him that he had better been back before the strippers arrived. There would be no exiting or entering once the three ladies arrived.

"So, fellas, how are you all doing tonight? I am Trey, Aubrey's best friend and partner. I planned this bachelor party for him and Justin, the two grooms. You were all told to clear your schedules for tonight because you are expected to stay over. This is Aubrey and Justin's last night of freedom before they become attached to their ball and chains," I explained to the guys. "So, kick back, relax and enjoy everything the night has to offer."

"Well, I appreciate all of you for coming tonight. I will be honest, fellas. I am actually nervous about tomorrow, but I got my boys here to hold me down and I know that I am marrying one of the finest females in the world," Justin said as he took another puff of his cigar.

"Hell, yeah, she is. And, she is rich, dude. Shit, she got her own dough and don't need a dude for shit!" Aaron said as he held up his half-full glass of wine.

Everyone laughed and agreed.

"Are you guys absolutely certain that you are ready to be somebody's husband? I mean, the rules change once they get that ring on their finger. I have been married for two years and shit has been tough. Jonelle, my wife, didn't have a job when we got married, so I had to hold all the responsibility of taking care of her and my year old son," Derek explained. "I mean, AJ, I know that Jaycen is rich and doesn't need you for anything except for you, but I am sure you won't be getting off scot-free anymore, bruh."

"Shit, I never got off scot-free. I don't know what you guys are thinking. I mean, yes, I am having a commitment ceremony tomorrow, but that next week, I will be officially Jaycen's husband. We are going to fly to Massachusetts and make it official. Over the course of our relationship, we have had a lot of ups and downs. He has put me through shit and I have done the same to him, but through it all, we never gave up the possibility of this day coming," Aubrey explained.

"So, on the real, Aubrey, what is the difference between you marrying a dude instead of a woman? I mean, besides the obvious," Ashton asked.

"Well, I mean, Jaycen and I think alike because of the obvious. And, on the real, my relationship is a lot easier than the guys in here who are straight," Everyone sat up and began to pay close attention to Aubrey. "Jaycen is a lot more attentive to my needs because he knows what a man like me wants. He pays attention to my attitude, my moods, my demeanor. And, he is not afraid to just get downright nasty with me. Dude will slurp the monster down at anytime, anywhere, any day."

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