The power of Creation

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"Create a day and then create your life"~Prince
I listened to a review of 'The Beautiful Ones' ,the book.And I heard this quote Prince gave and it sruck with me.Prince created his own life ,by letting his imagination come to life.He was a human just like us,but his life was out of this world .We are made in God's image and likenness.Which means ,we are born creators.We have the ability to create anything we imagine.And Prince understood that.God used His imagination to create the universe.What if I told you,we could create our own universe?Or that our thoughts affect our creating process?Well we can and it does.Take my own life for example.A lot of the events in my life were a result of my own thoughts. Unknowingly ofcourse.But as I reflect now ,I realize that I was constantly afraid.Afraid to lose loved ones,afraid to fail,afraid to take chances.Afraid to trust.Fear is the opposite of faith.Fear feeds on negative thoughts ,while faith feeds on positive thoughts.To create the life you imagine ,you need faith.Faith is a powerful force that breaks all barriers.Fear is also powerful if you feed it.Living in fear results in a series of bad occurrences .Faith turns dreams into reality.Fear brings your worst nightmare to life.So I want to encourage everyone who reads this,including myself,not to walk in fear.Do not let fear consume you.Walk by faith.Be an eagle who soars above the storm,instead of q chicken,who walks directly into it.Life comes with its own trials.Lets not add more to the ones we already have.Like Prince teaches,create a day and then our life.Peace and be wild.

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