Ray of light

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'In your own dark dungeon,be a ray of light'.You know who said that?Me.I just experienced what loving despite everything feels like.As previously mentioned, I am in a healing process.There are things and people I had to let go.The art of letting go is seeing yourself as an air balloon,and the sandbags around the air balloon are things that keep you down.Unforgiveness,self pity,fear,are examples of these sandbags.The sandbags keep the air balloon from going up.So if we want to 'go up' we need to release the sandbags in our life.Anyway....a friend of mine ,who did me terribly wrong, called me today.i wont go into those details but I want to paint a picture.She betrayed me for personal gain.But I chose to forgive her.Today she called me in her depressed state crying and talking about suicide.I had two options:revenge or forgive.I chose to forgive and be the ray of light she needed .I forgot my own struggle and helped another.That's what love for one another is all about.Being the light in someone's darkness,no matter what the odds are.You never know whose life you saved ,just by being kind or showing compassion.Honestly,I could not take revenge ,even if I wanted to.Hearing her cry and desperately asking for help,melted my heart.I encouraged her and our conversation ended on a positive note.She was hopeful again and I felt less insecure.I learned something today:helping someone  is helping yourself.I helped her and I felt stronger ,confident and purposeful again.My life got some light and my healing has increased.So I want to say :Be a light in someone's darkness and your own darkness will turn into light.Love u all....

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