Letter to myself

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Sweet and beautiful Dani,
I know things aren't what you would like them to be.I know it feels like you stand alone,but God is always with you.He will never leave you nor forsake you.His love never fails.No matter how many knives you receive in your back,let them make you stronger.Its okay to cry because you are human,but don't dwell in the sadness.Pick yourself up,dust off and forget their words.People don't have the last word over you,God does.What He says is the truth. I know it cuts like a knife ,because they are people close to you.But remember that Jesus was betrayed by Judas.Be grateful for Judas in your life,because that means your breakthrough is near.You are smart,beautiful and kind.You are fearfully and wonderfully made.So get up girl and lift your head. No one is worth your valuable tears.Pick up the broken pieces of your heart and give them to the Healer.Remember,you are strong and loving.I am proud of you and I love you.You will make it.


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