My dream

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After an entire week of sleepless nights,I finally got myself some sleep last night, after writing everything that was in my head.Then I had this dream.Usually I don't share dreams I get because it is such a sensitive subject. But I feel I have to share this one

"I was on a field,next to a tree,crying  my eyes out.I kept crying and couldn't stop.Then out of nowhere I see Prince walk up to me .He looked amazing,so serene.He gently dried my tears and asked:" Why are you crying?"
"Because I feel lonely "
"Why do you feel that way?"
"Because I'm alone ,I have nobody.Nobody loves me" was my response
"Now that's where you're wrong mama.There is always someone who loves you,whether you know it or not.And you're never alone because angels are with you every day."
He gently caresser my face and continued: "That gift you have,use it and see the lives you will touch.Feeling lonely is a human feeling, but it's not the truth.I felt lonely too"
He chuckled:"yes but being on this side,I realize that all those feelings I harbored were baseless.Now I see how many lives I've impacted and I wish I 'd set a better example,done things differently."
I looked at him and smiled
"Danielle,you have the gift of empathy, which means you feel people's emotions as your own.That's a heavy load to carry.Which is why I allowed you to feel me while writing about me"
"Really.Now be awesome because you are special."
And he kissed my cheek before saying"Your book is different because it's an empath's point of view.Don't think I dont read y'all stories."He chuckled;"Some of y'all got some dirty minds"he shook his head and lert

When I woke up,I felt so much energy I started doing extra chores in the house.I feel joy.I am on my journey of healing and to have Prince walk with me,is a humbling experience. I am so grateful.

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