Chapter eleven

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Aaliyah strolled around Venice. It was just as beautiful as she'd remembered it. How different the circumstances were, that had brought her here this time. Her daughter held her hand and squeezed it. She smiled at Aaliyah, and Aaliyah smiled back.

"I know you're sad mummy, that daddy doesn't remember you. But I'm here. I won't let you get sad" she whispered. Aaliyah smiled at her. "I'm not sad. I've got you three. You make me happy."  "But mummy, daddy still doesn't remember, so I'm not allowed to call you mummy." "It's ok. Daddy will remember soon." To cheer her daughter up, Aaliyah took her to the beach. She watched as her daughter ran in the sand, squealed with laughter in the water. Aaliyah smiled. Her and Jameel had loved coming here. She remembered how Jameel and her had built sand castles, and how she had buried Jameel in the sand, and as a return punishment, he had thrown her into the sea. She had not found it funny, and Jameel had a lot of grovelling to do before she forgave him.


Aaliyah whipped her head around. Only one person called her that. She looked around for Jameel, but he was nowhere to be seen. I'm so stupid Aaliyah thought. Jameel isn't here and even if he was, he doesn't remember anything, so it couldn't of been him, but no one calls me that except for him. Aaliyah didn't know what to think, so she went and got ice cream for her and her daughter. They sat on the beach, feeding each other.

Jameel was watching from a safe distance. He had got overexcited and called her her nickname. He had just managed to duck in time, as Aaliyah had turned around at the sound of her name. He was planning to surprise her soon. He just hadn't realised how hard this was.

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