Chapter eighteen

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"I couldn't take the risk on your life. I'm sorry. But why didn't you tell me you had remembered?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise. Come back to Venice where it all happened." 

"Jameel, I've missed you so much. I'm so happy you came back to me. It was torture living with you, and our children and not being able to tell you who I was."

Jameel hugged Aaliyah. "It's ok. Now we're back together, nothing will ever come between us again. Jameel and Aaliyah are made for each other only." Aaliyah wept happy tears. "Don't cry. I never want to see tears in your eyes again."

Aaliyah and Jameel both went to bed. Aaliyah snuggled up to him, as Jameel pulled her closer. "I've missed this. I wasn't sure if we'd ever be able to do it again." "Aaliyah, our love is strong. Didn't you believe that one day I would find my way back to you?" "I knew you would. I didn't question that. But I was worried because you couldn't put much pressure on your brain, how long it would take you." "Well I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me forever." "Glad to hear it. I wouldn't want it any other way."

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