Chapter 16

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So many loud thoughts were taking over my mind and clouding over my eyes. I shook my head and turned my music up and rolled down the window, to distract me and keep me awake for the long drive.

It was six hours until my destination, but I had no intention of driving the whole night. As it was for time, I wouldn't get there until 3am, and I wasn't about to turn up wrecked from the lack of sleep, disheveled from driving all night and anything less than being at the top of my game.

I drove for three hours, half of the distance I needed to go, stopping somewhere outside Cleveland for the night.

I checked into a motel, to get a good night's rest, but found it hard to sleep with the vivid memory of my family standing on the porch, all huddled together. 

I decided to take the time to get some work done, so I set up my laptop and logged into my secure server.

I checked out all of the updates on the company newsfeed and checked on the camera's at London HQ. It was currently 4 AM in London, and most of the house was sleeping peacefully, apart from the odd few early risers, getting ready for their early morning weightlifting.

Owen wasn't a morning person per say, he was so used to being in the military that a 5 AM start wasn't anything outrageous, but while I had expected him to be in bed still, he was up sitting at his desk, but he wasn't doing anything, he was just sitting there.

Picking up my phone, I dialed his number, worried by his lack of movement and the camera's shoddy picture quality, I couldn't tell if he was alive or not.

"Pick up, pick up." I said to myself, while listening to the dial tone. I got out of my chair and turned the audio off on the computer after hearing his phone ring through the speakers.

"Pick up, dammit!" I said, my fingers going to my mouth in worry while I began to pace.

Just as the tone was about to tell me that the person I was trying to reach was unavailable, he answered the phone.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey." I sighed, my heart returning to its original rhythm, as I watched him on the computer screen.

"Lexi?" He said in his, surprised but sounding cool, toned voice. "I was going to call you tomorrow, but I guess you beat me to it."

"Tomorrow?" I asked walking over to my window, and rechecking that the curtains were completely shut.

"Well today, you do realize it is about 4 AM here." He said, in his as a matter of fact tone.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I asked, feigning not knowing the time, and starting to walk around the room.

"As a matter of fact, yes, but it's okay, I fell asleep in my desk chair again, can you believe it!?" He said, and I knew he was smiling without the computer screen. "Maybe I just don't want to climb into bed because it feels so empty without you."

I smiled and softened to his words.

"I miss you too." I said lying down on the bed, "What were you working on?"

"Nothing too special, just some transport plans for an associate of ours. How have you been spending your time?" He asked, making my heart speed up.

Did he know?

"After putting the final touches on the Verone situation, I moved out of Miami to meet up with some old contacts, you know keeping up the appearances." I said, keeping it short and to the point.

Catch your breath. The sequel to Fast and Furious. My versionWhere stories live. Discover now