Say It Three Times

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At last, the night of my first day in my new home. I walk inside of the house and slip my shoes and jacket off, locking the door behind me and throwing my bag on the couch. I tiredly walk up the stairs to my new room and stepped inside the room I would spend half of every day in.

I sat on my bed, taking off my clothes as I changed after a day that seemed to go on forever, yet as I took my shirt off, I heard a bad attempt at a wolf whistle, but brushed it off as the wind. I slipped a hoodie on and lay down comfortably.

As I began to drift off to sleep, I heard clatter above me in the attic. I assumed it was the wind again, messing with stuff in the attic at first, and attempted to go back to sleep, but as the sound continued, I sighed and got out of bed. I slowly stepped up each step to the attic and unlocked the door. I reassured myself, "Nobody there, don't worry Y/N." I muttered, not seeing anyone for a moment.

"Barb, I think someone's here." I heard a masculine voice whisper. "Who's there?" I said, more aloud. Two people stood up, smiling gently.

"Just us." the male figure responded in another whisper. "Who are you? And- no need to whisper." I asked. "He's Adam and I'm Barbara." the female figure smiles warmly, introducing me to seemingly her husband. I smile at them. "Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N and I'm also going back to bed, please keep it down, I have work tomorrow." I say, walking downstairs to my room.

I hear another small wolf whistle attempt. It clearly wasn't Adam or Barbara, so who could it be? "And who are you?" I ask, turning in the direction I heard the whistle from. A rough, gravelly voice responds. "I'm me, babes." I sigh. "I'm not 'babes', I'm Y/N, and I meant, what is your name and what are you doing here?" I say, sternly. He chuckles. "Can't say the name, but I'm here under contract of your ghostly roommates." I sigh again. "And why can't you say your name?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "Curse, I guess." he shrugged nonchalantly. I was getting nowhere with this conversation. "Well how can I know your name? Can you write it down or some shit?" I say, looking around my desk for paper and a pen. "I prefer the fun way, babes." he chuckles again. "Charades." I roll my eyes. Really? Charades. It was like midnight and this guy wanted to play charades? "Ugh fine. First word?" I sighed tiredly in agreement.

He grinned toothily and pulled some bug out of his pocket. "Bug?" I asked. He shook his head. "Spider?" I guessed again. He shook his head again. "Beetle?" I asked, already fed up of charades. He nodded his head and took a bite out of it. I gagged in disgust. "Okay, second word." I said. He made a gesture of pouring something into his hand. "Water?" Nope. "Wine?" Nope. "Drink?" Nope. "Juice?" I ask, actually trying to get it right. He excitedly nodded, "Beetlejuice? Okay." I said, rolling my eyes. "Now say it three times in a row, unbroken, babes." he said, grinning toothily. "And why would I do that?" I asked. "To summon me, sweet cheeks." I rolled my eyes again.

"Beetlejuice..." I say. He nodded, his smile becoming wider. "Beetlejuice..." I repeat as his grin widened more. As I take a breath to say it again, Barbara runs down the stairs, Adam in tow. "Don't say it!" they warn. I raised one eyebrow at them in a 'Why?' sort of way. "He's a demon, and if you say his name again, he'll be free to roam around wherever." Adam responds, understanding my look. I stood for a moment, thinking about what to say - Beetlejuice's name, or agree with Barbara and Adam. Beetlejuice pointed at himself, still grinning, whilst Barbara and Adam shook their heads. I gave in to Beetlejuice's adorable appearance, even if his teeth were unbrushed and you could tell by his grin, and wanting him to leave me alone. "Beetlejuice." I say as I went to sit on my bed. "Thanks, babes. You won't regret it!" he said, smiling. 'I'm sorry, he's cute, and now he can leave.' I mouthed guiltily to Adam and Barbara.

"I better not, Beetlejuice." I say, pointing at him. I blink and then suddenly, he's on me, hugging me and trying to kiss me. I push him off, shaking my head. "You may be cute, but I'm not kissing you." I said.

Barbara and Adam walked back to the attic, talking about my 'terrible' decision, but now I didn't care. "I swear, if you spy on me in the shower or when I'm changing, you won't be hearing your name again for a while." I warned. He nodded, grinning.

Beetlejuice's POV

Y/N said my name the third time. "Thanks, babes!" I smile. "You won't regret it!" I say. I see her mouth something to Adam and Barbara, but can't understand what she means, but whatever. "I better not, Beetlejuice." she says. Her voice is so adorable, I just love it. I speedily stride up to her, pulling her into a hug and then lean in to kiss her. She uses her hand to push my face away, though. "You may be cute, but I'm not kissing you yet." she says and I slightly blush, my hair turning a tint of pink, mixing with the green shade of my hair. She thinks I'm cute? Whilst Barbara and Adam walk back to their attic, she tells me her rules. I nod, still grinning, reluctant to agree to her rule and threat. She was just beautiful, but I had to agree, or otherwise bye-bye chance at freedom. I got up and brushed off my striped suit, then sat back down on her bed, quickly followed by leaning back and lying on it, moving her covers so I can sleep. "C'mon, babes, lie down." I grin, grabbing her and pulling her down. She rolls her eyes and turns away from me and I soon fall asleep.

Word count: 1052 words

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