Beetlejuice x Haphephobia!Reader

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Haphephobia (also known as aphephobia, haphophobia, hapnophobia, haptephobia, haptophobia, thixophobia, aphenphosmphobia) is a rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched.

Y/N's P.O.V

A small sigh escaped my lips the house seemed to loom over my head a small smile gracing itself onto my face. 'Finally home.' Surely it didn't seem much, to begin with, dusty old furniture with cobwebs and cracks in the walls hindering from its potential beauty. Though it was mine, and that's all that truly matters at the moment.

I couldn't get many jobs due to a phobia of mine that was gained over the course from some frightening events, too many workplaces involved people nudging into you or even touching you just for praise or anything along the lines of that. Desperately wishing to get a job my profession switched to something I adore at this point for how easy it was to maintain.

Being an artist inspired me at a spiritual level even the thought of placing a pencil to the paper for some outcome gave a euphoric feeling. So it was lovely to do at the moment, now for some house renovation.

3rd P.O.V

As the weeks dragged on Y/N managed to make the place look far more decent than it looked at the beginning, thankfully at this time was the ending of her leave from work she had to post a few animations and commissions if she wanted groceries during the next few weeks.

Although she kept finding little cards around her house and shrugged it off as from being the original owner's cards the only nerving thing was how it mentioned he was bio-exorcist whatever in the world that meant as she began graining chills whilst snugged away under the covers which always cause the young female to jumps or even began having a breakdown. Hence almost as soon as it began it was stopped in its tracks, sending a darker message to the female mind until once day maybe about two months after when during the night a crash sounded along the house jolting her out of sleep as Y/N picked up a metal bat kept behind the door to defend against intruders.

After moments of searching and clearing the rooms, she approached the kitchen seeing the issue of her favorite dishware her grandmother had passed down for generations st on the floor broken into five as tears welled into the corners of her eyes sniffling as they picked up the chucks sweeping around just incase before tossing it in the garbage staring at the broken glass small sniffles and hiccups sounding from Y/N as a figure approached the female setting a hand on their shoulder icy cold.

A scream emitted from the female as panic set in attempting to kick the figure but losing her balance falling, scrambling away from them screaming incoherent sentences as they were pressed against the cabinets having a full-on breakdown. Back where Y/N started stood a frozen in place was a pale demo in a stripped pinned suit as they stared off into space trying to form what the hell just happened.

Surely he was scary for a demon but holy macaroni, who knew he was this scary as a small smirk crawled up his face before staring to where the female now lay. A twinge of pain in his cold, dead, and unbeating heart was felt as his smirk replaced with a frown as he slowly approached the female with worried eyes his green messy hair brushed the female as he bent down to her height as more screams and attempts to push away the ghost were made before she could no longer cry her throat becoming sore as hiccups were what toom place instead losing energy the adrenaline felt before wearing down as they stared at the male in front of them the suit was smudged with mold and such All sorts of smells emitting off him a gag being held back as they began to shake violently from the hiccups now cold.

Calming down the female allowed herself to feel slight composure as their voice spoke out shakily. "W-Who are you..?"

A small grin plastering along the demons face his favorite part of this little game coming alone before a deep chuckle fell from his cracked lips.

"Can't say it doll, how about'a game of charades?"

Thank you to the lovely Pastel_Bxtch for writing this chapter. I really love it and hope you do too!


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