Beetlejuice x Anxious!Reader

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As much as you hated to admit it, you had very bad anxiety. For some reason, you couldn't figure out why, but it had been triggered a lot more than usual lately. You pride yourself in knowing how to deal with these things. All that was thrown out the window.

    Most times, your disorder came out in horrible bursts. You would be having a good day- and then, boom. It would hit you, and you would begin to hyperventilate,and feel a need to hide from the world. Today was one of the bad days. One of the worst, actually.

    You had been living with being part of your life for a good month now. You had been house sitting the Deetz house when you met him, and now he was always tagging around after you. Anywho. You  were sitting in math class, at school, in fourth period, powering your way through the assignments. You weren't very good in the subject, but you could manage it. A small, insignificant part of you wished that BJ would show up, and the rest of you knew that it was a bad idea.

    The class was a peaceful silence as you tried to work out a simple math problem that you should have done in seconds. Your mind was just refusing to do it today. You kept rereading the problem over, and over, and over again, trying for it to make sense. It didn't.

    Too try and center yourself, you clapped your hands in front of your face. Someone in front of you turned to look at you. Zerons brown eyes glittered with their usual arrogance, and you hated everything about him. He was always talking, always interrupting, everything always had to be about him. “Don’t you be clapin’ at me!”

    You wanted to scream at him, for some reason. You didn't. Instead, you shook your head and turned it back to the problem. This was your last class, you could do this. It took you far too long to finish the problem, but you did. By the time class was almost over, you still had a whole nother paper to finish, but the teacher said they were both due at the end of class.

    Your hands startsed rushing, and your mind racing, you did everything you could do on the next page, writing frantically, scribbling here in there, and sometimes just writing in whole number sentences just to cross them out and rewrite them, the world was going too fast. Snap out of this, y/n, your stronger than this. The words were swirling on the paper. Snap out of it!!

    The sound of the teacher clapping for your attention snapped you out of the daze you were falling into. The paper was covered in tiny scribbles, and your chest lurched at seeing them, a rush of adrenaline radiating through your whole body. “Please turn in all your papers up front; it's alright if you didn't finish, i'll average all your answers.”

    You exhaled and walked to the front of the room, handing in your worksheet. The teacher looked at you very strangely as you did this, as it looked like you had put an attack on paper. You avoided her eyes. When the bell rang for dismissal, you grabbed your things and headed to leave.

    The system you had been using wasn't that hard to go by; and you didn't have to use a locker, so, you rushed out of the school as fast as you could, eager to get back home, maybe see Bj, but, above all, relax. You needed to calm down, today was very, very bad.

    Just as you had taken a few steps out of the door to get home, someone called out your name. Turning too look back at who it was, you saw Zeron. He had a shit eating grin, and looked like he knew some horrible thing that you didn't.

    Keeping yourself composed, you looked back toward him and asked, as nonchalantly as you could, “Yeah?”

    “Is this yours?” He asked, holding up the locket you always wore. How had it come of? You didn't take it off. The locket was hanging onto its string like it had always been, but it lost a kind of its magic. The thing itself had been waterproof; so you had not taken it off for years. How did it come off?

    “Yeah, it's mine.” You replied, keeping your voice steadier than you thought. You were so much stronger than you thought you were.

    “Cool.” He said and tossed the locket at you. You just barely caught it, and the slightly folding metal was cold in your hand. It was never cold. You were always holding onto it, but now it was cold.

    “Thanks.” with those last words, you slipped it on back over your head, and power walked away from the school building as fast as you could. You hated every part of yourself for having lost your locket. It was a picture of a loved one of yours that has… left. You didn't even know if they were dead or not, but you had their last words too you in that locket. No one knew about them.

    A cold through hit you. It was so much colder than the rest of your thoughts, and it almost caused you to trip over your own feet as you began walking down the pavement to your house. You made sure not to step on the cracks, just for luck. You needed it.

    Some tiny part of you told you to open your locket and make sure all was in order. You didn't. You would do it when you got inside your house, which could only be in a few minutes. The rest of the walk home seemed very short, and you threw your things down the moment you entered the house. They didn't matter now.

    SLaming the door behind you, you picked your locket open with your thumb nail. The picture and note were still in it. As was something else. A small, sloppily written note was in the slot of the right part of the locket. You recognized zerons handwriting immediately. “Liar.” was all it said.

    How did this make you a liar? Were you a liar? You didn't lie about anything. Maybe he thought you were over exaggerating what happened. Could you be? Maybe. You just wanted to talk to them again, that's all, you just wanted to be able to hold their hand, too say you loved them, too let them know that everything was going to be alright, that no matter how often the world felt like it was falling down, they would always have you, but you couldn't, because you were gone. Why did your chest hurt so bad? They were gone, they’d been gone.

    Before you knew it, you were on your knees, holding your locket too your chest and curled up in a shaking blob. It was a terrifying thing, knowing that someone else knew. How had he got your locket?

    Your chest was tightening. The only reasonable part left in you knew that you were having an attack. Your breathing was speeding up, your breaths themselves were choking their way out of your lungs. You hated the sensation, but you couldn't get it to go away. No matter how hard you tried.

    How long you stayed on the ground with your locket clutched in your hand, you did not know. All you knew was that BJ was behind you, calling out your name in concern. Did she even matter right now?

    “Y/n? Y/n! Are you okay- hey, answer me!” he shouted, kneeling down to you. You didn't want to, he was too loud, it was too loud. “Breath, okay? Just breath.” he said again, but this time more gently. “Keep breathing’ for me.”

    So you did. Slowly, ever so slowly, your breathing slowed, and you let yourself lean against the grimey demon, almost panting in exhaustion. You hadn't even realized that you were crying. “Thank you, Bj…” you said quietly to him.

    Beetle juice nodded and hugged your shaking form, just a little bit. “Of course. Now, if you're ready, what happened?”

(yoyo, im so honnered too be writeing for this book! Sorry the chapter took so long, and i hope you liked it. -Shootingstar698.

1396 words.)

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