Beetlejuice x Period!Reader

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I groaned, clutching my cramping lower abdomen. Don't we all love periods? The bleeding, the cramps, the crying. It's just amazing, isn't it?

"Beej!" I called out for about the millionth time. "What?" he called out, clearly fed up with my groaning and calling for him. "Can you come here, babe?" I asked, still groaning in pain. He walked into my room and sat on my bed next to where I was lying. "Yes, beautiful?" he asked, looking down at me. "Can you lie down with me for a bit?" I asked, moving over, to give him room. He looked at a patch of blood stained on my bedding, still sitting on my bed rather than lying down. "What the hell? Are you dying, Y/N?" he asked worriedly, looking at the blood stain and then at me. I shook my head, smiling at him slightly. "Don't worry, it's just my period." I said, getting up and walking to my underwear drawer, taking a black pair and a pad, walking to the bathroom.

Once I had finished cleaning myself up etc. I walked to my closet to put something on for work as a guidance counselor of some sort. "Do you want me to explain it to you? You look confused, Beej." I smile at him. He nods, still confused. I sat back down next to him on my bed. "A period is like a girl's body being pissed because she didn't get pregnant so it makes her bleed. It lasts for a little while, typically up to a week. Before you ask, mine lasts for about four days." I smile sweetly again. "Anything else about mine you want to know?" I asked, noticing his pink hair, giggling slightly at the fact he was flustered by me telling him about my period. "Are there any things you do, specifically, when on your - uh- period?" he asked, shyly almost, looking at his shoes and then at me. "Well, I cry a lot, happy or sad, doesn't matter. I just cry. I get hungry, and usually eat like half the entire contents of fridge within the four days." I chuckle. "I need to go to work, baby. I'll see you in a few hours." I say, before kissing his cheek goodbye, and then stand up and go downstairs. "Bye, everyone!" I shout, picking up my purse and slipping my boots on, along with my coat. I walk out the door, locking it behind me and getting into my car, driving to work.

Beetlejuice's POV

I sat, still confused about 'periods', on Y/N's bed. She had left around ten minutes ago. I stood up, looking down and thinking as I walked to the attic. "Adam? Barbara?" I asked, looking for them. "What do you want, Beetlejuice?" Barbara said, sternly. I looked up at them, then looked down again, my hair turning pink. "Uhm, b-before Y/N left, s-she told me about her - uhm- her period." I stutter a little. I heard Adam chuckle, and look up at him and glare. "Sorry." he said. "Do you want some advice on how to look after her during her periods?" Barbara asks, looking at me and smiling. I nod at her, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. "Don't worry, Beetlejuice. You'll survive." Adam joked. I sat down on a chair and looked at Barbara. "Well, first of all, you can give her some chocolates. It makes girls feel happy." she smiled. "Did she say anything else about it?" she asked, looking at me. "She says she cries a bunch." I said, thinking back to our conversation before she left for work. "Well, be there for her and don't worry if she cries. It'll all be fine." Adam pipes up. I smile, my hair turning back from pink to green. I thank them and go back downstairs, summoning some chocolates for Y/N and waited for her to get back from work.

<><><><Time Skip><><><>


I walked into the house. "I'm home!" I yelled as I took my shoes and coat off, hanging my bag on the doorknob. Beetlejuice came running down from what I guess was my room. "Hey, babes." he smiled at me, handing me a bar of Y/F/C (your favourite chocolate) and hugged me. I began crying. "Thanks, Beej." I said, between tears and hiccups. I walked up to my room, lying down on my bed. Beetlejuice lay down next to me, putting my covers on us and hugging me. I smiled at him gently. "I love you." I said, beginning to cry, hugging him closely and tightly. "Don't cry." he said, brushing my hair down. "I love you too." he responded after a moment. My eyes fluttered shut as I drifted off to sleep.

Word count: 793 words

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