Beetlejuice x Reader

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Written by: Angiesfandoms1977
Summary: Y/n noticed that Beetlejuice doesn't wanna hang out anymore. Beetlejuice was left on his own thinking why does he have these weird feelings when around her.

Warnings: swearing

Reader's POV

I ran my fingers through my hair as I lie on my bed. Bj still hasn't shown up. I wonder why he's been so distant lately? Wait, I forgot that I can call him. God dammit I'm such a loser.
"Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice!"

The nasty bug man himself appeared out of thin air, and he isn't wearing his iconic striped suit. Instead, he's wearing a white shirt saying 'I am confusion'

"Uh, hey beej."

"H-hey babes." He snaps his fingers and he's now wearing his striped suit again. I fixed my position on my bed. Crossing my arms to my chest.

"..s-so whadya call me for?" There was a burning sensation that rose to my cheeks.

Holy shit, am I blushing? "Well, you've been really distant lately. And I was wondering why..." my eyes travelled to the flood, avoiding eye contact.

"You see babes, You know my job. You know what I do for a living--well, for a deathing I guess. I'm a bio-exorcist. I can be busy."

"...and also! You know I gotta keep my line in the netherworld. Juno's still a pain in the ass. But you know I really came for Miss Argentina. Plus I think your in the little 'shark week', heh."

He nervously chuckles.

He had his nervous face on and he looked like as if he didn't wanna be here. 

I did kinda force him.

But still, I wasn't falling for his dirty lies.

"Bullshit." I clench my fists.
"Is it because I'm annoying?"
"Babes, come on let me ex-"
"Don't call me that!" His eyes were wide open, and mine were blurry as tears stain my skin.
"Y/n... I just think that we both should take a break from our so-called friendship..." He sighs. "...cause' I'm done sugar coating for ya."

And in a blink of an eye, he was gone. I'm completely alone.

I screamed out loud.

Pain struck through my heart.

Beetlejuice's POV

I'm sorry Y/n... Since I have no where else to go, I'd have to crash in the Maitland's house for a little visit to my good o'l pal Lyds.

"Hey Lyds." She was going through her photo album.

"I need help."
"Yeah, serious help."
I chuckled at her sarcastic response.
"-I wasn't being sarcastic by the way."
"Do you ever get that feeling when you're around a certain someone, your guts--well I don't have guts for starters but, your guts starts to make these weird noises like BLAHGLAGLABLAHAHABLAAAA and you're whole body becomes warm--like I'm alive, a-and you don't know what to do and so you avoid that someone?"

"Wait, bj. Are you in love?"

"Uh... what's that?"

Lydia laughs.

"You better ask that to someone else." She stands up and grabs her camera.

"Heh, thanks anyways lyds."

"No prob."

And I went to the Netherworld and straight to Miss Argentina. "Miss A!" She turns to me "What do you want?"

"Weird question because I really don't know this."

"Hurry up, my break's in two minutes."

"What is love and when or how do you feel it?"

She giggles a little, "For a fraud, you are very clueless when it comes to feelings."

"-One of the important things to remember about love is that while there are similarities in people's experiences, everyone will likely feel something unique to just them."

"-Love means different things to different people, we also experience it in a variety of ways,"

"-And what some of us don't find important, others value. In other words, we experience love in interesting ways for ourselves because we choose what we do and don't focus on."

"-To some, it's the feeling of excitement when you aren't together and are missing them, For others, it's the slightly odd feeling that makes you a bit giddy. Your heart will beat faster or you might find yourself getting jealous over silly things."

"-Don't worry if you don't feel exactly what someone else is feeling - love is very individualized." She smiles at me.

I was shocked on what love means. I mean it was pretty long, but atleast now I know what I'm feeling.

"-okay break time for me, bye bye." She shooed me away.
I guess it's time for me to be serious.
I transport back in Y/n's room. She's just lying there, sniffling.
"Babes?" Y/n turns to me.
"You really wanna know why I don't hang out with you anymore?"
She throws her pillow towards me. "Bastard! The last time I saw you was three days ago!"
"-I'm crying because I lost my phone!"

"Three days ago? Time does run fast when you're dead."

"What do you want?"

"I-I..." I take a deep breath--wait I'm dead. Nevermind.

"I've failed you several times. But there was one moment I failed you beyond measure."

"-It was the day we met. The moment I took your hand and you looked at me, with the glory of hate in your eyes. I should have cared about your feelings, you felt left out. But still, I didn't."

"-There was honesty in your hatred. Fearlessness in your pain.In your honesty, I saw a reflection of myself. Or rather, of the man I longed to be. So I failed you. I didn't stay away ."

"-Then later, I thought if I had answers, it would be enough. I would no longer care. You would not matter."

"-So I continued failing you. Continued wanting more. And now I can't find the words to say what must be said. To convey to you the least of what I owe. When I think of you, I can't find the air to breathe. And now, though you are alive and I am dead, there is no pain or fear. All I am left with is gratitude."

"-When I was a boy, my father would tell me that one of the best things in life is the knowledge that your story isn't over yet. Our story may have come to a close, but your story is still yet to be told. Make it a story worthy of you."

"-I failed you in one last thing. Here is my chance to rectify it. It was never because I didn't feel it. It was because I swore I would never say it, and a man is nothing if he can't keep his promises.  So I write it in the sky--I love you, a thousand times over. And I will never apologize for it." 

Her eyes shined. Tears start to fall.

"...I love you too..."

"And I was just absolutely clueless about it..." I chuckled.

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