Jealous Boyfriend pt2 -Jaebum

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This isn't going to be very long, so I'm sorry & if it's bad I'm also sorry.

We arrived at an abandoned house. We exited the car. Jaebum grabbed my arm.

"Let go of her you jerk." Lisa said. "Open your mouth again, I dare you." Jaebum threated. "Let. Go. Of-." Lisa was about to say but Jaebum shot her.
"NO!" I yelled. I started hitting him. He just continued dragging me. He brought me into a room a threw me in.

He locked the door behind him & put me on the bed. He handcuffed me to the bed & said: "Now you'll never escape me."

I cried & said: "Jaebum please! I'm sorry!" "I know you are baby, but I just don't want you to leave me. Ever." He said in deep voice.

*Years Later*

I got pregnant with Jinyoung's child, but in order for Jaebum not to find out I had to seduce him. I had the child & Jaebum was convinced that it was his.

"Hey baby." Jaebum said, he kissed my neck & cheek. "Why are you so tense?" He asked me. "I'm not." I lied.

"Don't lie to me or you'll get punished." He whispered in my ear. "Mommy!" Danny yelled. I immediately got away from Jaebum & walked over to Danny & picked him up.

"Hey, did you sleep well?" I asked him. "Yes, Mommy." "Did you dream about anything special?" "I dreamed about being a superhero!" He said excitedly.

I giggled. Danny is the only reason I had any happiness left. But as time went on, I slowly started planning my escape. I think I may be able to escape tonight or tomorrow.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Danny. "Yes!" He said full of energy. I smiled then put him down & quickly made him breakfast.

After I gave Danny his breakfast JB grabbed me & dragged me to the bathroom.

"What is it?" I asked him. "Why have you been so cold to me lately? What did I ever do? All I've ever done was be a good loving boyfriend." He whined.

I wanted to yell at him for the stuff he did. But he would get angry & punish me.

"You're right, I've just been in a mood. You don't deserve to be treated like this, I'm so sorry Jaebum." He smiled & started kissing me. I was so disgusted. He realized I wasn't kissing him back & asked:

"What's wrong?" "Nothing, I just need to check on Danny." I said. Jaebum let go of me & said: "He's always had your attention ever since he was born."

"I'm sorry JB, I just really care about him." I said. "It's fine, I would just love to spend time with you." He said. "Ok, maybe tonight." I said. JB smiled & said that he liked the idea.

I left the bathroom & went back to Danny. I couldn't wait to escape, I want to give Danny & I a better life. "Hey, did you finish?" I asked him. Danny nodded.

I took his dish & put it in the sink. I picked him up & brought him to his room. I put him down on the floor & Danny started playing with his toys.

*Time Skip* (Night Time)

JB was sleeping in our room. I pulled out my luggage quickly from under the floor boards. I tip toed to Danny's room. I put most of his stuff in my bag & picked him up.

"Mommy?" Danny asked. He was very sleepy but also confused on what was happening. "Don't worry honey, I'll tell you what's happening in the car. Ok, don't worry." I said while quietly sneaking out.

Danny just nodded & rested his head on my shoulder & fell asleep. I put him in the car.

"Where are you going at this time of night?" I heard JB say. My heart stopped, I was extremely scared. I didn't want to appear weak so, I pretended that I was completely calm & fine.

"I'm leaving you." I said turning to JB. "With my son?" He scoffed & said: "You must be crazy to think you could take my son from me."

"He's not your son." I said. "I'm sorry?" JB said. I could tell he was slowly getting mad. "That's Jinyoung's son, I seduced you so you could think he was."

JB grabbed me by my throat. "You lied to me." He was furious with me. "L-let g-go." I tried pushing him away from me.

I saw him slide a knife out of his pocket. He was put it near my throat. I took my hand & tried to keep it away from me. My hand was right on the blade.

JB put so much pressure on the knife it started to cut my hand. I kicked him in the balls. He fell on the floor dropping the knife. I quickly grabbed it & stabbed him in the heart.

"Y-Y/N." He said. "I used to love you, then you became a monster." I said then twisted the knife. "Ah fuck." He said. "That's for killing my best friend." I stood up & left him there to rot.

I went in the car & drove off.

*Time Skip* (A few months later.)

I met up with Jinyoung & told him that Danny was his. He was really happy & excited. I also went to the police station & told them everything that happened starting from the party till I escaped.

I later on told Danny that Jinyoung was his real father. He was upset that I lied to him but I told him it was just to protect him.

That's the end of this One Shot. What did you think? Let me know. Have a great day/night 😈💜🖤💜🖤.

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