Masked Killer - J.Jk part. 1

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This was requested by: JeonViolet01
Go send her some love 💕.

As I was getting ready for work I heard in the television that there was another murder. I was really scared because it was always guys that would flirt with me.

I quickly put my hair up in a ponytail & turned off the television & left for work.

*Mini Time Skip*

(Y/N is a nurse btw)

My friend Irene approached me & said: "Did you hear about the recent death?" "Yeah, I'm so terrified." "Don't be, maybe it's all just a coincidence." Irene said. "Seriously, all the people that died were people that flirted with me." I said.

Irene was silent. "I should just stop talking to all the males here." I said. "How will you talk to your boss about a raise or anything?" Irene said. "Not the point." I said.

"What's the problem?" They heard a masculine voice. Y/N & Irene turned around & saw Y/N's supervisor Jungkook.

"We were just talking about the deaths that happened recently." Irene said, "It all just happened out of the blue."

I nodded in agreement. "Anyway, I need to get back to work." I said then walked away.

I went to meet one of my patients. "Hello, Ms. Kim. I'm your new nurse, my name is Y/N." "Hello Ms. Y/N, where's nurse Kara?" She asked a little worried.

"She went on vacation for a little while. How've you been feeling lately?" "Better, my chest just hurts a little bit but other than that I'm fine." She responded.

"That's good, I'll be right back & get you more medicine." I said, smiled then left.

*Time Skip*

"So, how's your day been so far?" Jungkook asked me. "Um, good actually." I said, "One of my patients gave me this necklace." I showed him the necklace.

It had a golden chain with a blue gem. "Why did they give it to you?" Jungkook asked, looking a bit annoyed. "They were thankful for me helping them, all my patients are so sweet." I smiled.

I put the necklace back in my pocket then went to go back to work but Jungkook grabbed my arm & said: "Who gave it to you?"

"I-I don't re-remember, I have quite a lot of patients." I said. He then let go of me & stormed off.

I righted my grip on my clipboard & quickly walked to HR.

"Y/N? Are you ok?" Irene asked. "I um, need to report a complaint." I said. "Uh yeah sure, who is this about?" Irene said then took out a clipboard & pen.

"W-well when I was going back to get some medicine for one of my patients, Jungkook grabbed my arm for no reason then stormed off." I said.

"Goodness, are you ok? Do you need to stay here for a little bit? Should I get you some water?" Irene asked.

"I'm f-fine, don't worry. I'll just head back to work to make me get my mind off it." Y/N said. Irene sighed then said: "Y/N just stay here for a little, I'll talk to him at the end of day."

Y/N just nodded then sat down on a chair next to her desk. Irene just stayed with Y/N & comforted her.

*Time Skip* Y/N's POV

I was about to leave when my boss approached me & said: "Y/N, do you think you'll be able to do some overtime this week? We could really use it."

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