Never Forget

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"What are you truly scared of? The dark? Well don't worry, cause I'm there." A feminine voice said, then giggled.

A little girl woke up, she rubbed her eyes & looked around her room. It was still nighttime, she was terrified of the dark.

She was always scared that there was something in her closet or if she stepped out of her bed a monster from underneath would grab her.

She tried to go back to sleep but couldn't, she was too scared. She felt as if something was watching her, she wanted to run out of her room & call for help.

The thought kept crossing her mind. Her eyes kept darting to the door & her closet. She then heard a creak. She grabbed her covers & hid under them. She held her legs up to her chest & tightly shut her eyes hoping to fall asleep.

"Go to sleep, Go to sleep!" She thought over & over. She started to sweat. She tried to hold back tears.

*Time Skip* (Morning)

I slowly poked my head out of my covers. It was finally morning. I barely slept last night.

I stepped out of bed & my bare feet touched the wooden floor. I slowly opened the door to my room & poked my head out. I heard banter downstairs.

I felt relief & went downstairs. I saw my older step siblings laughing, then my step sister, Elizabeth noticed me. "Why are you here?" I rubbed my arm & stayed silent. "Just leave her alone." My step brother, Alex said.

"Why, she's not really apart of our family. She's the reason Dad's-!" "Stop it! You need to stop blaming her for that, she's a kid." Alex started to get mad.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes & then grabbed her things & left the kitchen. "Ignore her." Alex said. I just held back tears. "Hey, so you want anything for breakfast?" He offered.

"No...I'm ok." I put on a fake smile & left the kitchen. I went to the bathroom to take a bath.

I sat in the bath & enjoyed the warmth. I then thought of the accident, the heat of the flames, the screams. I should've done something, but I didn't. I shot up, when water started going into my nostrils & into my body.

I started coughing & tried to get the water out. I wanted to forget the accident but my step sister made sure I never forgot it & how much pain it caused her. I really did try to make it up to her, but nothing I did was good enough. I'm not good enough...

I quickly got out of the tub & dried myself & put on clean clothes.

I was heading downstairs again when Elizabeth stopped in front of me. I avoided eye contact with her. "You think you can just walk away you little murder but trust me, I have plans for you." She then pushed me down to the ground.

"I don't care how old you are, you're nothing but a little demon." I held back tears as she walked downstairs & out the door. Alex ended up seeing me on the ground & quickly went to my aid.

"Are you ok? Did Elizabeth do this?" "I'm fine, don't worry." I said as my voice slowly started to crack. He pulled me close to him & hugged me tightly.

"It's ok, I'll protect you." I gripped onto his shirt & let myself cry.

That's the end of the first part, I know I apologize for not updating a lot & I am sorry I just get writers block a lot, but I still won't stop updating as much as I can. Have a great day/night 💜🖤.

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