Chapter 9: Denial, jealousy, and just plain drama

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"You know if you laid off the diet pills you wouldn't be so tired" Sora said walking into the locker room to see Mimi sitting on a bench looking extremely tired.

"You just don't get it." Mimi said defensively. "I'm a cheerleader I have to stay skinny!"

Sora gave her a look. "Um you are skinny…"

"I won't be skinny until I can fit into an extra small cheerleading costume." Mimi told her stubbornly.

Sora laughed. "No one is that skinny. It's unhealthy!"

"The rest of the team is!" Mimi complained.

"Oh please no they're not!"

"Yeah they are!"

"Then they have some serious health problems! Don't lose weight because you feel like you have too. You're not fat and if your friends are telling you differently….." Sora shrugged "….well then you need some new friends." She left leaving Mimi to think.

They were treating her horribly but she had nowhere else to go. The cheerleading squad had been her life and she was popular, she was stuck with the mean popular people.

Kari sat in the bleachers with Yolie waiting for the boy's soccer game to start. She was big on being at Tai's games and loved to cheer him on.

"Kari?" she turned to see Tk walking towards her and taking a seat next to her on the bleachers. Yolie giggled. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

Kari smiled and looked over at the field. "Well I have to support my big brother. What are you doing here?"

He smiled. "I have a bet with Davis, if he scores a goal in the first half I pay him 5 bucks if he doesn't I'm 5 dollars richer."

"Oh Kari I just remembered I have to work." Yolie said wanting to give the two alone time.

Kari felt bad knowing she was making it up. "Oh Yolie I'm sorry."

"No, no" she winked at her friend. "I'm good I'll call you later." She skipped off leaving the two alone.

"Uh I have a feeling this was more about me then her having to work, sorry." Tk said apologetically.

Kari smiled and shook her head. "Nah don't worry about it. Hey look the game's starting and Tai's on forward! GO TAI!" she screamed.

Tk laughed. "Energetic are we?"

Kari laughed. "Get up and cheer with me!"

"I refuse to sink down into being a cheerleader."

"No fun" she stuck out her tongue teasingly.

"You should cheerlead for me when basketball comes around, I'm going to be like the freshman star player." He smirked at her.

"Little old me as a your cheerleader, won't you forget about us little people once you're a big star." She teased him some more.

He whipped his hair back. "Eh maybe you're right. It'll be hard to keep track." He said jokingly.

She playfully punched his arm. "Stupid"

"TK!" Kari and Tk turned to see Erin running over. "Tk a bunch of us are going to the movies after the game you want to come?" she looked up at him with pleading eyes.

Tk looked over at Kari, "Do you want to go to the movies?"

Kari felt herself blush at Tk's remark for her to come along, but she also felt sick knowing Erin would be there. She opened her mouth to answer but Erin did it for her.

"Actually Tk there's only one seat left in the car…" she looked at Kari and put on a fake sad smile, "Sorry" she said shrugging.

Kari shrugged. "Its fine I can't go anyway." The whistle rang signaling that games ending.

"Yes! I'm 5 bucks richer!" Tk said pumping his fist in the air. "Oh Erin I don't think I can make it either sorry, I'll see you later Kari." He said giving her a smile and heading off to receive his money.

"I thought I told you to stay away from Tk." Erin said wiping the fake sweet smile off her face.

"I can be friends with him if I want." Kari told her.

"Whatever, just remember you put this on yourself." Erin told her walking away.

"Who's that?" Tai asked walking up to Kari.

"The devil, come on let's go home." She said pulling him along.

Mimi sat at a pizza joint Paul had taken her for their date, their dud of a date that is. Mimi was bored out of her mind with Paul's constant talk of himself.

"So in other words, Western Wilton University wants me for a full baseball scholarship because I'm that good." He sat back pleased with himself. "I'm good."

"Yeah" Mimi said with a hint of sarcasm while she twirled her hair around her finger.

She looked towards the door and saw Izzy walk in with Sora and Matt. He stared at her for a minute then turned away taking a seat with his friends.

Was he jealous? Her heart beat in hope that he was.

"So what did you guys need to talk to me about?" Sora asked Izzy and Matt from across the table.

"Tai" Izzy said simply. "We told him about Morgan and Mike."

Sora gave him a look. "How could you? I told you never to bring that up to anyone! Why does Tai need to know anyway? It's none of his business!"

"He was worried about you…" Matt said calmly trying to get her to relax.

"Well he doesn't need to be. I'm fine! I just think he's stupid for hitting on her and stuff, his problem, not mine."

"Sora I don't think he was hitting on her…" Izzy started but she interrupted him.

"I don't care if he was! Everyone hits on her, nothing new." She looked the other way annoyed with her fingers crossed.

"Well it clearly bothers you." Matt stated and she gave him a death stare and stood up.

"I don't care who Tai dates or hits on! He can date Morgan for all I care, good for him! Just tell him to but out of my life!" she stormed off bumping into Tai who was staring at her in shock. Kari was watching quietly.

"Sora…" Tai started but she just looked at him, then back at Matt and Izzy, and then ran off bumping back into him.

"What happened?" Tai asked his friends.

"I think she is avoiding her true feelings by putting up an invisible barrier to blockade any entrance of pain and suffering." Izzy explained. Tai stared at him like he came from another planet.

"What?" he asked turning to Matt.

"She's in denial." He said shrugging.

Tai sighed. Girls were so confusing.

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