Chapter 25: Plotting and Reunions

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Sora opened her eyes to see Tai back in charge of the driving and Matt snoring in the back. "Hi" she said softly smiling at him.

"Hey" he said flashing her a quick smile. "Sleep much?"

"Well while you're on the run searching for someone you take what you can get." Sora said teasingly.

He shrugged. "You snore."

"That's not me that's Matt!"

"I'm pretty sure I heard snoring from you..."

"I. Do. Not. Snore." Sora stated firmly.

"You keep telling yourself that."

"I don't!"

"I'll tape you next time."

"All you'll get recorded is silence."

"Or the sounds of a hippo." Tai commented.

"I hate you."

"No you don't." He gave her a teasing smile.

She shook her head. "I don't even know why I come on these road trips with you."

"Road trips?"

"You know last time when we went to get Kari at her friends." she laughed and then paused and looked at him and he looked back at her.

"Oh my god Sora you're a genius!"

"Why didn't we think of this before?" Sora asked excitedly.

"Whaa..!" Matt yelled jumping up.

"We know where Kari is!" Tai yelled high fiving Sora.


"Her friends house! Okay Tai let's go back to your home town." Sora said smiling brightly.

"On our way." Tai said turning the car around.


"You know what's weird? Besides the fact that you ditched school AGAIN?" Davis asked walking into Tk's.

"What?" Tk said watching the news for any search of Kari.

"The fact that your brother and his friends also have not been in school since Kari flew off the face of the planet." Davis said sitting down on the couch.

"Really? I mean I get Tai not being there but where's Matt?"

"No idea, try calling him."

"Yeah..." Tk said picking up his phone and dialing. "Straight to voice mail."

"So has Kari's picture been shown all over the news?" Davis asked.

"No that's the weird thing there's been no mention of her disapearance."

"Huh. Oh by the way Erin's fuming that you dumped her."

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