Chapter 23: Truth

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"I think she's lying." Jill said shrugging as she and Kari sat on her bed. Kari had told her the whole story of falling for Tk and Erin bullying her to no end.

"But why would anyone lie about something like that? I would know if she didn't show up with him!" Kari insisted not wanting to build up hope only to get crushed.

"Yes but maybe that's just it. Maybe she doesn't believe that you will show up." Jill said.

"Maybe..." Kari said finding her heart beating over the thought of Tk. "Ugh! I like him so much, like a ridiculous amount."

"Ohhh Kari's falling in lovvvvve!" Jill said teasing her friend. "Look I'm just saying this guy keeps going to great lengths for you. He cares about you and this whole thing doesn't seem to add up."

"He says he never wrote or passed me that note in class..." Kari said slowly.

"Exactly!" Jill practically shouted. "Kari maybe she wrote it! She wants him and he wants you, of course she's going to do everything in her power to get him away from you."

"I really don't want to get my hopes up and find out that he's just a jerk, Jill." Kari said.

"I have a feeling in my gut he isn't a jerk, Kar."


"Tai what's wrong? You sounded so panicked on the phone." Sora said coming into Tai's apartment concerned.

"Kari's missing." Tai said pacing around the living room.

"What?" Sora asked in shock.

"I don't know what to do Sora, I don't know where she is!" he leaned up against the wall with his hands covering his face as Sora walked over and hugged him. "I let her down Sora. I should have been there for her!"

Sora looked at him. "There was nothing you could have done. You didn't know what she was going through."

"I knew she was going through something! Damn!" he grabbed his coat and headed out the door.

"Where are you going?" Sora asked.

"To find Kari."

"Tai you don't even know where she is." Matt said stepping in.

"I don't care! I'm going to find her!" Tai told them determined.

"Well wait up I'm coming with you!" Sora said running after him.

"You can't I don't know how long I'll be gone..." Tai told her.

"I don't care, I want to help!"

"I'll come too dude." Matt said.

"But..." Tai began but Sora stopped him.

"Shut up Tai we're your friends and we're coming with you." she told him and walked outside right by him.

Tai looked over at Matt.

"Can I have shot gun?" Was all the blonde said.

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