Chapter 15: 2 weeks later

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It had been almost two weeks of avoiding Tk. The bullying had ceased because it seemed as though Tk and Erin had become closer. It completely broke Kari's heart.

She sat down at lunch biting into her sandwich when Yolie skipped over to the table sitting down. "You're down and it's depressing me. It's Friday so...we're heading out somewhere to get your mind off Tk."

Kari sighed. "I'm definetly not in the mood to go out..."

"I definetly don't care." Yolie said frowning. "You're my friend Kari and I'm worried about you."

Kari thought about it remembering an invite to a party she had recieved earlier this week from one of her friends at her whole school. "Well there is a party we could go too...some people from my old school."

"Great! Party party but just to warn you I WILL be singing to the music." she said trying to lighten the mood.

Kari smiled. "Sweet" then she bit into her apple wishing Tk would also be there with her. But not paying attention to the real concern...who was listening.


Sora had gone from bad to worse. She got up. Went to school. Came home. Went to bed. Everyday. She stopped speaking to Tai completely and even her friends hadn't been getting much out of her.

She had lived in denial for nine long months. Hoping that maybe she wasn't really pregnant, that she was faking it like they did in soap opreas. But now everything was real and there was a little baby boy that looked like Mike. That had been created while she was dating Mike.

She grabbed her bag after school and headed to the locker room. Determined to run around the track, like she was running from her problems...even though she knew she wasn't. It was just another denial faze.

She dressed quickly and headed out stretching and feeling the heat of the sun make her sweat before she even began.

She ran. She wasn't sure how long or how far she just knew that at one point she snapped. She couldn't contain it anymore. She fell to the ground and let herself cry. Really cry. Not just letting tears fall but letting her self wail.

She covered her head with her arms wishing people had souls. That they wouldn't hurt people, that they'd care that they hurt people.

Then it happened. She felt two warm arms wrap around her. A voice whisper in her ear "It's okay"

"No it's not!" she said crying. "It's not okay!"

"It will be" the voice said. She turned to face a bushy haired boy staring at her smiling.

"Tai how can you be so nice to be? How? I never gave you a chance, in fact I pretty much led you on." she said as he just smiled wiping her tears off her face.

"Oh well..." he said sighing. "It didn't change me likeing you." he shrugged.

She cried. "Why? What's so great about me?"

"Everything" he said. Then he lifted her up into his arms.

"Where are we going?" she asked quietly.

"I don't know where do you want to go? I don't think you should sit here in the sun like this, you'll get burnt." he told her and she wrapped her arms around him. It felt soothing, he felt soothing.

She closed her eyes as he carried her to the parking lot. "Can we go somewhere quiet. I'm sick of people and the noise."

He nodded even though she couldn't see it. "Sure"

"But not my house, I don't want my mom to see me crying."

"We can go to mine. My mom's working, we can order pizza." she said opening the passengers door of his car and laid Sora in the seat. He bent down next to her. "Are you okay?"

She shrugged and he nodded closing the door and going over to his side. He started the car and they stayed silent throughout the ride. Sora stared out the window wondering out someone could be so caring, so loving after she had turned him down time after time. She looked over towards him. His bushy hair messy as ever. His light smile. Him yelling at a car for cutting him off...she just laughed. And he looked over happy to see her smile.


"Wow Kari you look hott!" Yolie said smiling as they walked out the door of Kari's apartment ready to catch the train to go to the party Kari had been invited to.

"Thanks" Kari said smiling doing a twirl and pose to make her friend laugh.

"So we going to see cute guys?" Yolie asked eager to leave.

Kari's smile faded. "Maybe..."

Yolie gave her a side hug. "I know you're still upset over Tk"

"It's stupid I don't even know why I care, I didn't even know him that well."

"I'm sorry Kari"

"It's alright" she said then trying not to seem such a downer. "We'll have tons of fun tonight!"

"Agreed!" Yolie added skipping along the sidewalk.


Mimi waited by Izzy's car hoping he would come out soon. She couldn't stop thinking about him. The way he smiled and the way her heart felt when he was around.

She saw him walking with some friends. He had gotten a hair cut and she smiled thinking he looked absolutly adorable. He was talking and they were laughing at something he said. Then he waved by to them and turned towards his car to see Mimi standing there.

He frowned knowing this would probably result in a fight but walked towards his car anyway.

"Hi" she said her hair waving from the breeze of the fall wind. She had a slight smile on her face hoping he'd return it but he didn't.

"Aren't you afraid your friends will see you?" he asked slightly cold.

"They went home..." Mimi said slightly ashamed as Izzy forced a laugh rolling his eyes.

"Of course."

"Izzy...this is killing me! You won't even speak to me during labs at school! You just do them all yourself and leave class before I can stop you."

"Wouldn't want to embaress you" he said shrugging.

"Izzy..." she started but he shook his head.

"It's okay, I'm over it." He looked at his car. "I have to go...bye Mimi."

He got in the car and drove off. "Don't say goodbye to me, Izzy..."

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