More prophecies?

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The next morning I told Grover about my dream. We were sitting on a hill overlooking the meadows as satyrs chased the nymphs for a kiss.

When I told Grover my nightmare he twirled his finger around his goat fur around his shaggy goat fur nervously

 "A cave ceiling collapsed on her?" he asked sniffling

This couldn't be any easier on Grover he had a special thing with Victoria and her two younger brothers. Mason and James.

"And you can't connect with her?" I asked

"She's blocked at first I thought it was because you know she was gone...but now I think something is purposely blocked me"

"But what the heck do you think all of this means?" I asked

Grover shook his head "I don't know. But after what Zoë dreamed..."

"Wait what do you mean Zoë had a dream like that?"

"I I....I don't know at like three a.m. she came to the Big House really panicked and she demanded to talk to Chiron"

"Wait, how do you know this?"

Grover blushed "I was sort of camped outside their cabin"

 "What for?"

 "Just to you know be near them"

"You’re a stalker with hooves!' I laughed

"I am not anyways the real picture here is she wanted permission to leave the camp like right away"

 "Why what did she say?" I asked

 "Well it was kind of hard to understand she was speaking real old English but she said something about Artemis in danger and then she called Argus a big trout lout and he called her a..

"Wait, wait, wait. Artemis is in trouble?"

 "Well Zoë said 'lost"


"Yes as in kidnapped"

 I stared at him trying to get my mind around an all powerful goddess being kidnapped "Wait how can a goddess get kidnapped"

 "Well it happened to Persephone"

"But she's the goddess of like what flowers"

"Springtime" he corrected

 "Whatever isn't Artemis like way more powerful?" I asked "Who would be powerful enough to kidnap her?"

 "Kronos maybe"

 "He can't be that powerful yet can he?"

 Last time we saw Kronos he was nothing but bits. Luke was working on fishing all his pieces from the abyss. I tried to imagine Artemis being kidnapped by evil bark mulch"

"Look I'm sure he's not reformed" Grover said "The gods would be more panicked but it's weird Zoë having a dream the same night as you it's almost like they're connected"


I thought about Zoë having a nightmare right after me.

 "I need to talk to Zoë"

 "Mm she doesn't do to well with boys talking to her" Grover said pointing down below at the archery field.

    It was Zander and Zoë and they looked like they were screaming in each others faces. We ran down and hid behind a tree to watch them.

-3- Kissing Sunshine *Percy Jackson*Where stories live. Discover now