Ch. 2 - Just Listen

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I waited outside the hospital until I saw Ashton leave, I'm pretty sure he has to go to work.

Once he's out of sight, I run inside. As I reach the staircase, I see Calum walking out of an elevator... Thank god I chose the stairs.

When I finally get into Michael's room, my breath catches in my throat at the sight of him. I only just noticed how thin he really was... Or how thin I made him...

His eyes are closed, so if he is still awake, he hasn't heard me yet. I sneak over and sit down in the seat Calum had been sitting in earlier. Michael's eyes shoot open and look at me.

"W-What are you doing here?!" He asks, his eyes widening as he pulls himself up to a sitting position, then he closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose, probably because he got a head spin from sitting up so fast.

"I came to see you" I reply calmly.

"Why?" He asks in confusion.

"Just listen, okay? I need to get something off of my chest" I tell him.

"What? That you feel sorry for telling me the truth?" He asks bitterly.

"The truth?" I ask in confusion.

"That I'm fat" he frowns.

"What?! Michael, you're not-" I start to argue.

"You tell me I am, everyday" he interjects.

"I was wrong, I was being an asshole, I-" I say before he cuts me off again.

"Yeah, you are an asshole! And I don't understand why, I mean, what did I ever do to you?!" He asks, leaving me speechless. "Well?" He asks impatiently.

"Ever heard that saying?" I choke out, I clear my throat and continue, "If a guy is mean to you then he probably likes you".

"Wow, you must be head over heels in love with me then" he scoffs, letting out a bitter laugh. I grimace involuntarily. It feels like he just threw knifes at my heart.

"I-" I squeak out, and clear my throat again, "What if-".

"What, you're not trying to say that you are, are you?" He asks bitterly.

"I-" I hesitate, "Maybe- Uhh, yes".

It's silent for a moment before Michael points to the door. "Get out" he croaks, a few tears slipping from his eyes.

"But-" I begin to speak.

"Out" he orders.

"Michael-" I try again.

"Out!" He shouts, making me flinch.

"I'm sorry" I mumble, reluctantly standing up and leaving.

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