Ch. 11 - Pay Attention To ME

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Me: Michael

Me: Michael

Me: MIchael


Me: MIcHaeL



Michael: Sorry, just shhh, I can't text you right now!

Me: Whhhyyy? :(

Michael: Because I'm with Calum & Ashton and they will kill me if they find out we are talking.

Luke: Say I'm someone else

Michael: Luke. Just two hours, okay?

Me: Fine.

Michael: I'll call you later, love you!

Me: Okay.. Love you, too!

I sigh and drop my phone on the kitchen table before opening the fridge to see what I can eat.

Leftovers, yum.... I close the fridge with a huff and switch to the cupboard. Nothing in there either.

Normally, I would call out to mum and ask her to make me something, but she left me a note saying that she & dad were going out for a bit... So I'm basically going to starve to death.

So, being the lazy arse I am, I call for pizza. I had to raid the house for some spare cash first, of course, cause I have no cash.

Note to self: Remember to do anything Ben asks me to do for the next.. Month.

When the pizza finally arrives, I sprawl out on the couch and sit the box on my stomach, before unlocking my phone and calling Michael.

It takes him a while to answer, but when he does, the first thing he says is "Are you trying to get us both killed?!".

"Maybe" I joke.

"You're lucky my mum isn't home, I told Ashton & Calum it was her calling and ducked outside" he tells me.

"Yeah, okay" I laugh, rolling my eyes, "Well, I have a nice hot pizza here, just waiting to be eaten".

"Hmm" Michael hums, as if being tempted, "Pizza".

"You wanna come have some?" I say, smirking as I move the pizza box onto the coffee table before sitting up.

"But the boys-" Michael complains.

"Have each other to play with" I interject.

"Oh, seriously?" Michael groans, "Yuck".

"Well, it's true" I shrug my shoulders, "So are you coming over?".

"You're lucky you have two advantages for me coming over" he says with a sigh of defeat.

"Two?" I ask in confusion.

"Pizza" Michael says, as if checking something off a list, "And you".

"Oh" I smirk.

"I'll be there in ten minutes" Michael says, and before I can say anything else, he hangs up.

I roll my eyes and set my phone on the coffee table. By the time Michael gets here, the pizza will probably be half cold, but hey, pizza is pizza.

Well, what am I meant to do for the next ten minutes? Have a shower, I defiantly need a shower.

I run to the shower and have what I'm guessing is the quickest shower of my life. I dry off, get dressed, and style my dyed-black hair.

I still can't believe I've been dying my hair black for the past five months, just because I heard Michael tell someone it was a turn on for him.

I was about to leave the bathroom when I stop to check my breath, it smells like cigarettes and coffee... Yuck.

I backtrack over to the sink and grab my toothbrush and toothpaste. Bushing my teeth takes about two minutes.

Once I'm back in the lounge room, I start flicking through my cd collection (well, the part of it that I keep out here, anyway), thinking that Michael would love some music to listen to.

The decision is tough, but I eventually pick 'Let's Cheers To This' by Sleeping With Sirens, and stick it in the stereo.

The second the music starts playing, there is a knock at the door. "Good timing" I say to myself as I walk towards the door.

"Where is the pizza?" Michael asks, walking inside the second I open the door for him.

"Oh, the pizza is more important than me?" I question, pretending to be hurt.

Michael backtracks and gives me a kiss. "Hey, babe" he says before walking towards my lounge room, probably following the smell of pizza, before adding "Ohh, Sleeping With Sirens".

I chuckle and close the door. "How did you get ride of the overprotective body guards?" I joke as I follow Michael.

"Told 'em I had to go see mum" Michael mumbles through a mouth full of pizza, sprawled out across the couch.

"At work?" I ask, shoving his legs aside so I can sit down beside him.

"It's happened before" he shrugs, taking another bite of pizza. "Ugh, doesn't Kellin Quinn have the most beautiful voice ever?!" He asks through a mouthful of pizza.

"He does" I agree, "And he's really hot".

"Yup" Michael nods, then starts laughing, "You know, you are so the clingy girlfriend".

"Random" I frown and smile at the same time, "Why's that?".

"You were begging for my attention" he smirks.

"Oh, okay" I blush, "Yeah, sorry".

"It's okay" Michael laughs, "I thought it was kind of cute".

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