Ch. 4 - Home Visit

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So basically, everyday for the past week, I've either skipped school or waited until after school- when I knew Ashton had gone to work and Calum had gone home- to go see Michael in hospital... Only to have him kick me out.

He really didn't want to see me... Not that I could blame him though...

One day, though, when I'd gone to see him, he was fast asleep. I'd sat there beside his bed for at least two hours before he started to wake up.

I'd planed to talk to him when he woke up, but once he actually started to wake up, I chickened out and ran off before he realised anyone was there.

Obviously, the next day he groaned and said "Fucking hell, I thought you'd given up on me" when I'd walked in.

Not going to lie, every smart arse comment or insult felt like he was throwing knives at my heart... Now I know what I've been doing to him ever since we first met...

For the record, I know why Ashton said that Michael takes everything I say to heart, he's alway had a crush on me... And I don't say that to be cocky, I mean it in the literal sense that Michael has literally always had a crush on me.

But maybe he's over me now... Or maybe he knows I'm the vulnerable one at the moment and he's taking advantage of it? Or maybe he's just scared I'm going to hurt him? Either way, I wish he would just let me talk to him.

Anyway, I heard Calum telling someone at school today that Michael was aloud to go home this morning...

So here I am, outside Michael's house, trying to dry my sweaty hands on my ripped skinny jeans that I had changed into after school.

I knock on the door and quickly check my All Time Low shirt. Michael likes All Time Low, right?! Of course he does, just relax you idiot.

"Hello?" A lady, who I'm guessing is Michael's mother, says as she opens the door.

"Are you Michael's mum?" I ask politely.

"Indeed, I am, and you are?" She says with a smile.

"One of.. Michael's friends" I lie.

"Come in then" she says, moving out of the road. "Michael, one of your friends are here" she shouts, closing the door behind me.

"Mum, I have like two friends and you know their names" he laughs from upstairs.

There's a weird silence for a moment while his mum looks at me in suspicion. Then, as if coming to the sudden realisation of who the stranger at the front door is, Michael screams "If it's Luke Hemmings, don't let him up!".

"Are you Luke?" His mum asks, looking slightly taken aback by what Michael said.

"I am, but please let me see him!" I beg, "I've been trying to talk to him all week but he keeps ignoring me".

"Why are you here though?" she asks in confusion.

I've come to make amends, I think to myself. "I just need to talk to him" I say desperately.

With a sigh, she points at the top of the staircase. "His room isn't hard to find" she replies.

"Thank you!" I say before running up the stairs.

She was right, it's not hard to find Michael's room, it's the only door with anything stuck to it. A giant Mayday Parade poster is stuck on his door, with three little posters above it and three underneath it: Blink-182, Green Day, All Time Low & Pierce The Veil (it's a group picture of both bands), My Chemical Romance, Crown The Empire, and Of Mice & Men.

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