Ch. 7 - First Kiss

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"I made dinner" Michael's mum says, walking into the lounge room, holding two bowels.

I pull myself away from Michael so I'm sitting up right and she hands us the bowels, it's a pasta dish with mince and vegetables mixed into it.

"Thanks" Michael & I both say together.

"No problem" she say with a smile before leaving.

We sit in silence for a moment and Michael just bites his lip as he stirs his food around the bowel with his fork.

"Are you going to eat?" I ask nonchalantly before taking a bite of my food. He shakes his head slightly. "Why not?" I ask.

"Too fat" he says quietly, avoiding making eye contact with me.

"Too fat?" I ask in disbelief, almost choking on my food, "You're not".

"But you always-" Michael begins to speak.

"Forget what I always said, I was a jerk, we've been though this before, what I said then was wrong and I'm sorry" I tell him.

"But-" he chokes out.

"But nothing" I say, reaching over and grabbing his hand that was holding his fork. "Please eat" I whisper, lifting his hand up and moving the fork so that it's in front of his lips.

Reluctantly, Michael eats the food on the fork and I release his hand.

A few minutes later, once we have finished eating, we walk side-by-side into the kitchen, our hands brushing up together with every step we take.

"Michael?" His mum asks in disbelief as we set out empty bowels in the sink, "Did you really eat all your food?".

Michael smiles faintly at me and nods his head at her. "Luke wanted me to" he says quietly.

"Well I'm glad you'll do what Luke wants you to do" she chuckles.

I'm not glad about that though.. If Michael didn't do what I wanted him to do, he wouldn't starve himself, wouldn't hurt himself... Wouldn't try to kill himself...

We're standing still, but I can feel Michael's hand brushing against mine, as if he's doing it on purpose.

At the risk of having him push me away or running off, I slowly link my hand with Michael's.

At first, I notice he looks shocked, but then he relaxes and a small smile creeps onto his face.

"I don't know what was going on between you two before, but I'm glad you seem to have gotten over it" his mum tells us, smiling at us.

Michael blushes and half snuggles up to me. Absentmindedly, I lean down and kiss him, he kisses back.

My eyes widen in shock when I realise what I'd just done. "I-I have to go" I mumble, glancing out the window into the darkness, trying to ignore Michael blushing or his mum smiling at us.

"Do you want a lift home?" His mum asks.

"N-No, I'm good, I have to go! Bye Michael, I'll- Uhh, message you later?" I stutter as I untangle his hand from mine.

"Uhh, yeah? Are you okay?" He asks in confusion.

"Yeah, fine!" I say as I stumble towards the front door. "Thanks for the dinner Mrs. Clifford" I say as I fumble with the door handle.

"It was my pleasure" she says with a smile.

I smile awkwardly at them before leaving the house and running off down the street.

I just kissed Michael. In front of his mum. Michael kissed back. We kissed. Holy fuck.

"LUKE!" I hear Michael scream, but I ignore him and keep running away from his house.

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