Ch. 8 - You Found Me

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I'm officially lost... And scared.

I ran for five minutes before realising I took a wrong turn somewhere along the line, now I have no idea where I am...

I stopped underneath a street light and lit a cigaret to try and relax a bit.

I start to walk again, only to trip over a broken branch a minute later, dropping my almost finished cigaret in a puddle of what I thought was water in the gutter. It must have been gasoline that has leaked out of a car though, because suddenly the puddle was in flames.

With a gasp of fright I stumble backwards, only to trip over the same broken branch as before. I land on my arse and practically burst into tears.

I need Michael, I need him now!

I scramble to my feet and start running back towards Michael's house. I was just about to run across a road when a loud beep startles me. I step backwards, trip over my own feet, and land on my arse again, just as a car shoots past, only just missing me.

I start to sob quietly into my hands. I feel like a helpless child...

I was probably sitting here crying for a good five minutes before I hear a gasp- which frightened me- followed by Michael half-shouting my name.

I can hear him running along the road towards me, and a few seconds later, he's on the ground beside me, pulling me into his arms.

"Michael" I cry, clinging onto him like my life depended on it.

"I'm here, it's okay" he says softly, squeezing me slightly.

He just holds me for a moment before suggesting we get back to his place. I agree and he helps me up.

"Do you mind if I?" I ask Michael nervously, pulling out a cigaret.

"Go for it" he shrugs. I lite the cigaret, pause momentarily, and offer it to Michael. He hesitates for a second but takes it anyway. "Thanks" he says quietly before taking a drag.

"No problem" I say, pulling out another cigaret and lighting it, "So, you smoke?".

"As a rule, no" he says after blowing smoke out into the cold air, "But I have, a few times".

"With Ashton & Calum?" I ask.

"Ashton" Michael replies, "Calum has only smoked once and he almost choked to death, never again" he explains before laughing.

"You know, I never pictured you as a smoker" I chuckle, "Good boy, Michael Clifford".

"Good boys are bad boys that haven't been caught" Michael says with a smirk. "But what about you? Where'd the black hair idea come from? I never thought I'd see that" he adds.

I hesitate, instantly thinking of the time I overheard Michael telling Ashton he thought dyed hair was a major turn on during English a few months ago. "I got bored being blonde" I half lie.

"It looks good, dyed black hair is a major turn on for me" he smirks before taking another drag.

I know, that's why I did it, I think, "Red hair is a major turn on for me" I tell him truthfully.

"Does that mean we're both horny as fuck right now? Or is that just me?" He asks with a smirk, causing me to choke on the smoke I had just inhaled. "I see, it's not just me" he chuckles as my cheeks start to turn as bright as his hair.

Too embarrassed to say anything, I just link our free hands together and walk closer to him.

We just reach Michael's house as we finish our cigarets. "I told mum not to wait up" Michael says nonchalantly as he drops his finished cigaret and steps on it.

"You're parents go to bed early" I point out as I do the same with my cigaret.

"They both have to work early in the morning, I never see them on Sunday morning because I sleep in, but I always wake up to cold pancakes sitting in the microwave" he explains, smiling like a child as we walk up towards the house, "I know I don't eat much, but I always make an exception for mum's pancakes on Sunday mornings".

"My mum makes me make my own cereal or toast for breakfast" I scoff, "And she doesn't work on Sunday".

"I'll write a note and ask mum to make you pancakes in the morning as well" Michael smiles as he unlocks the door.

"Aww, you're so cute" I coo, causing him to blush.

We walk through the house in the dark. Michael flicks the light in the kitchen on when we reach it and finds a small notepad- that I assume his family uses to write the shopping list on- and a pen.

I pull my phone out and send a quick text to my mum while Michael scribbles a message down for his mum.

Me: Staying at a friends tonight, see you tomorrow, love you mum! <3

Mum: Alright Hun, I love you too! <3

I shove my phone back into my pocket as Michael sets the notepad in the centre of the kitchen bench.

"Soo-" Michael says with a smirk, "Luke Hemmings likes dick, I didn't see that coming either".

"I like your dick" I correct him, "I'm completely uninterested by others".

"You've never seen my dick" he raises an eyebrow in amusement.

"Maybe I should then" I smirk.

That's all Michael needed to hear before grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me up the stairs towards his room.

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