*Authors note*

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I made the picture above ↑
Whoa...ok..HI! This is my first ever fan fiction and I am dying of excitement.

But first of, A disclaimer:
The characters of the story belong to Rick Riordan (Heroes of Olympus) and JK Rowling (Harry Potter) but there will be a few OCs here and there throughout the story.

Well, since this is my first fanfic, there might be a few 'Technical Difficulties' at first. Like I won't be able to post often or I'll loose inspiration (my ADHD and OCD aren't much of a plus!) I tend to get bored of things quickly. And also because my school hates the students to the core, I come home really late and have a whole lotta homework to do.

But please bear with me...

I'll try to post every weekend, or whenever I have time.
The story revolves around Nico and Leo (they're my babies♡♡♡). Also they won't be they children of the Gods, they would most likely be descendants/legacies. I'm getting Octavian vibes.

[Warning] the story contains: swear words, self harm and bad grammar (English isn't my first language). If these trigger you, please don't read. Or read at your own risk

I hope you guys will like the story♡ and you can point out any grammar mistake. I'll start posting the first chapter in a few weeks or so.


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