[CH 6] Nico

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When I first saw Leo lying motionless on the ground next to me, I thought he was dead...

I don't remember what happened after Sister Caroline escorted us into that empty exhibit. Neither do I remember how we got out, or why we were lying on the floor, or why the hell was my head hurting so bad! I snapped out of these thoughts when I saw an unconscious Leo lying next to me. A pool of blood formed from, maybe, an injury on his head and huge blue gash on his temple. I freaked out. My body was stiff and every of my limb hurt, I was unable to move, but I ignored the fuss my body was making and dragged myself towards him. Gently I placed his head on my lap, searching for the wound, It's right on top of his forehead. My hands are shaking and I don't know what to do. Pressure! I have to apply pressure on the wound. I do, I pinch the wound to stop the blood flow. He's already lost too much. He gives out a shaky breath, It pained me to see my best friend in such a horrible situation. I scream for help.
Luckily a few people spot us and rush towards us. Within seconds there's a large number of people gathered around me and Leo. Through the rush, Sister Martha rushes towards us along with the guide. He quickly lifts Leo up and breaks through the crowd. I Try to run after them, but Sister Martha holds me tight, hugging me and trying to calm me down. She asks me who did this, at first I don't seem to remember. Then suddenly, It strikes me. I feel fresh memories flow into my head, it's a weird feeling. For some reason I feel like these memories are being forced into my head. But I ignore the feeling. My primary concern right now is Leo.

And this is all because of Dylan and Drew.

I remember now, after Sister Caroline scolded us for a good long time, then she left to find the other groups. Dylan and Drew were waiting for me and Leo to walk out the exhibit and when they were sure the coast is clear, and the caught us, dragging us back into a lonely corner of the exhibit.
"You seriously thought you'd get rid of us that easy?" Dylan laughed. He held Leo tight, pinned against the wall. "I'll have fun getting rid of you"
Leo struggled to be free, kicking his legs wildly and trying to free his arms from Dylan's grip. Dylan wasted no more time and struck Leo. Leo didn't scream, he was strong, he refused to let Dylan and Drew think he was in pain. His right temple started to swell up and turned a dark shade of blue. I screamed, I cried for him to stop. It's my fault they do this to us. If only I hadn't fallen for Dylan, this would've never happened.
"DYLAN!" I yell. "Please! Leave him alone!"
Drew hasn't done anything to be yet. He simply holds me tight. Face in a direction, where I get a proper view of how Dylan is thrashing my Best friend. Even though they haven't touched me yet, this torture enough for me.
"And what makes you think that I'll do that?" Dylan snarls, and with that, he give one final blow to Leo, who's wound starts to bleed, satisfied with what he did,he let's go of Leo, who drops on the floor with a loud thud. Dylan then walks towards me, motioning Drew to let me go. I can't run, I can't escape.
"Now listen up little fairy" Without warning, with one hand he grabs my shirt and lifts me up from the ground, he presses me against the hard wall. His other hand, grips my neck and he starts chocking me. Drew laughs.
"People of 'your kind' don't belong in this world." His grip tightens."you're filthy, and worthless, and it's better you never lived"

"W-what...have...I-I ever, d-done to...you?" I choked. This causes him to let go of my shirt, and now both his hands are gripping my neck, tightly, I can't breath, my vision starts to become blurry.
"What you did, huh?" He growls. "What you did, is that you entered my life. YOU MADE IT A MESS! YOU MADE ME A MESS! IF IY WEREN'T BECAUSE OF YOU, I WOULD'VE BEEN LIVING WITH A NICE FAMILY"
Drew's expression changes from amusement to concern. He shifts uncomfortably behind Dylan.
"Um, Dude, I think you should let him go, we did enough" he states.
"Did enough?" Dylan spits. "DID ENOUGH!? Do you have any idea what this little scumbag did? HE TOOK AWAY EVERYTHING FROM ME!"

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