{Prologue 2}

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Leo Valdez

Leo just wanted to run away.
He wanted to run away from his memories...he couldn't.
They kept following him everywhere. Foster home after foster home. Those memories kept on flowing into his head. He kept running away. But he still remembered that day. 5 years ago.

Leo loved machines, the way they would operate, how each part worked, simply everything. This was ought to happen since his mother was a mechanic. His mother would often bring Leo to work with her. Throughout his life Leo was surrounded by machines, in his beautiful home in Texas. His mother taught him everything he needed to know about them. There was nothing in the whole world he loved more than her and machines.
It was just him and his mother,until the day she got her dream job.
Leo never knew what exactly this 'job' was, but he hated it. His mother was never home. She would be gone early in the morning and would come home really late. She barely spent time with him. And the worst part was, she had hired a babysitter for him. Tia Callida.
He loathed her. She was rude and strict and looked like she would throw Leo into a cauldron and cook him. She always wore a black dress and a veiled hat, like she was mourning. Her old features made her look scary, she was truly! She would even beat Leo if he did something wrong. When his mother came to know she immediately fired Tia.
Leo's mother had to quit her 'job'. Now she worked in her mechanics shop again. Bringing little Leo along with her. Leo was more than happy.
She seated him on her counter while she checked out for the customers. Every once in a while the customers would ask him his name and pull his cheeks.
Ugh! It's so much work being an 8-year-old.
The sky turned darker and darker, the customer were fewer. Leo's mother Packed up her stuff and was going to close the store. Leo pointed at one of her hair-pins, he had never seen before. A silver pin with a beautiful metallic flower at its end.
"Oh! This?" She removed her pin and placed it in Leo's palm. "It was a gift from your father, before he left."
Leo had never met his father. According to his mother, they had eloped and after their parents came to know they had to separate. They were still in contact with another, but could never meet. He would send them letters about his work and life, but no pictures.
"He says he misses you very much and will send you a tool kit of your own!" His mother said.
"Will papa ever come back?" Leo asked. Gripping the hair pin.
"Oh! Mijo, he-"
"-Will most definitely come back" said a raspy voice.
They both turned to see a familiar old woman. Tia Callida.
"You are his son after all! The only child who inherited his power"
"I told you to stay away from my son!" His mother said through gritted teeth.
"Dear Esperanza! You can't keep hiding the truth from him forever, he will know eventually."
Leo's mother filled with rage. Her eyes became glassy and red, but she reminded quite.
"What's wrong dear?" Asked Tia. "He has his right to know, Dile la verdad"
"GET OUT!" His mother screamed. Leo flinched, he had never seen his mother like this before. "LEAVE, NEVER SHOW ME YOUR FACE!"
"Very well, then I shall take my leave." She gave them one last look of disgust. "You will regret it dear."
With that she took her leave.

"What did she mean, mama?" Leo asked. His mother locked the door, and smiled weakly.
"Oh! Mijo, she is a crazy woman, says whatever comes in her head. She's gone, now forget her"
She kept the keys in her purse. She dug in her purse, trying to find something.
"Oh dear! Silly me, I forgot the house keys" she handed Leo her purse. "Wait by the car mijo, I'll be back in a jiffy."
Leo nodded, walking towards the parked car. Not a moment soon he reached. The shop exploded.

Leo was too stunned to run. There was fire everywhere. Broken bits of glass in the ground, the roof had completely blast off. Leo Screamed for help. After gaining his courage, he ran for the shop, only to be dragged away by his arm. out of nowhere Tia Callida grabbed his arm.
"LET ME GO! MAMA IS TRAPPED, I HAVE TO HELP HER" he struggled to be freed.
"I know young one, but you must save your power. Now is not the time for you to take action" said the old woman.
"I have called for help young one, they will be here"
"W-who did t-this?"
"You did, Mijo, you did"
Leo stopped moving, he stared at Tia Callida. From a distance a siren could be heard. Then the fireBrigade came into view.
Tia let go of his arm.
"Go! Run!" She pushed Leo. "Run away, they are here for you. Run away Leo Valdez. Never come back"
Leo didn't think. He ran away. Away from the horror. He kept on running until the scene was out of view, until the sirens could not be heard. His legs hurt but he didn't stop.
He kept on running.
Running away.
Running away from all the memories.

He never looked back.

This is longer than I expected.
Here is the ch like I promised. Thank you for the views and votes.
Even though Nico is my favourite, I still find writing Leo Chs more comfortable. I'll try making Neek's backstory more expressive later on.
School starts in 2 days...wish me luck😂

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