[Filler CH 7] Leo

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"I think we should run away" is the only thing Nico says. And I loose my mind.

I jump out of bed, bounce about the room like a kangaroo and keep screaming: "YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES"

I grab Nico's hands and start jumping, making him jump with me. We both are laughing like idiots, I bet we must have woken up the whole orphanage. And even if one of the nuns comes to our room holding a cane, I just wouldn't care. I've never felt this happy in my entire miserable life. I'm so great full that I got beaten up in the museum. If getting hurt and passing out in museums is the only thing that is enough to convince Nico...SIGN ME UP!
Wait...right...the museum...

The memories of the museum were very vivd in my brain, small fragments of scenes, about Dylan and Drew, flashed in my mind. I remember passing out, but not because of Dylan, it was something else. And whatever happened with Him doesn't seem true. Nico seemed convinced, so I believed him. I'll blindly trust him, even if it means risking my life.

A few minutes ago, Nico finally made up his mind. After three years of holding back, he finally gathered himself up and decided to leave for good. I was shocked and happy at the same time. I thought this day was never going to come, when we finally leave this place and live somewhere in peace. Like a really luxurious bungalow, because our business man dad is super rich and loves spoiling us with awesome gifts. But that's another story. Right now, I'm bouncing like a maniac, and that's the only thing that matters. I stop jumping and grab Nico in a bone crushing hug.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I say, and Nico chuckles. I quickly let go and grab his cheeks.

"You know what this means right?!" I squeeze his cheeks.
"Ow, haha, what?" He holds my wrists.
"This means we have to start packing! Jesus! We better start now! We won't get time-"
"-Leo! Relax! We're leaving, I agree. But on one condition"
"We'll leave tomorrow night"

"DEAL!" I let go of his cheeks and offer him my hand. And he takes it in a firm grip. We shake our hands as we make this deal, and scramble back into our beds. I pull up my covers and close my eyes when Nico calls me.
"Leo...do you know what happened to Grover?" he asks. To be honest, this thought didn't cross my mind before.
"I have no clue. After we left him the cafeteria he didn't return to the groups and-"
"-disappeared. And I didn't see him anywhere when we got back"
There's a moment of silence between me and Nico. Suddenly the atmosphere in the room becomes more intense. I really wonder what happened to Grover, Neither did I see Sister Caroline anywhere, which was unsettling, maybe she was off to the woods performing some evil ritual or something but I'm just glad I don't have to see her face again. So I shrug it off.
"You know what? We just got over that stuff, let's just forget it! And think about how we'll get out of here tomorrow"
"Ok" he laughs. "And thank you"
"Hm? For what?"
"For standing up for me"
"It's okay! I've always got your back. I'm your Super-sized-Mcshizzle, right?"
"I can't wait for tomorrow. This is the best day of my life. G'night Neeks"
"Good night, Super-sized-Mcshizzle"
And I drift off into dream land. For the first time I'm not greeted with unpleasant memories, rather I'm welcomed with happy and cheerful thoughts about tomorrow. How me and Nico will escape. What we will do in order to survive. And even things seem though, we're together and look out for another. I'm just so excited, and during my deep slumber, something wakes me up. I immediately jolt up. I scan the room, when I hear a sound.

Someone's tapping on the window...

I'm extremely sorry for the short chapter, I was forced to end the Ch here. Even tho I originally didn't plan to. Causing the large time gap!
As per my plans this CH was supposed to be Nico's but due to "technical problems" this was converted into Leo. And it was supposed to be a part of the previous CH but then it would've been too long. Then again I apologise! I hope you guys understand.

Thank you for above 300 views! It's really heart warming to know people are taking a liking in my book💜💜💜

I promise (for reals this time!) I will be posting another chapter today itself to make it up to you guys!💜💜💜💜

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