[Ch2] Leo

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I'm sitting near the trash can, trying not to barf while eating my sandwich.
You might be wondering why I am seated near a dumpster, I'll give you hint: His name starts with, N and ends with, ico di Angelo.

You guessed right!
It's Nico-the-effing-di-Angelo. Nico found this place behind the dinning hall when we were trying to hide from Sister Caroline, aka, the Satan-spawn, she works here in this Orphanage. Yeah nuns work here. I don't like the way they eye me, like I fed my bible to a goat.
Nico said this place could be a secret hideout since nobody comes here. Like seriously? Who would? I can't believe we still hangout here.
Well, even though the dumpster may have been the end of my sense of smell, it still has it's plus points. Sometimes you find a lot of cool junk here. Last month Nico found a really cool Swiss army knife.
I try not to mess with him now days...
"Leo!" Nico calls, running towards me.

Speaking of the devil..

"You finally managed to come on time, eh?" I snicker.
"Sandwich" he demands, holding his hand out.
"What...No hello? No how you doin? Is this is what our friendship has come to? A sandwich?"
"Give me all your Pokemon cards first, then we'll talk"I say, giving him a sideways smile. Nico pouts and snatches my half eaten PB&J, then takes a huge bite out of it. I start snorting like a pig, the scene was to hilarious. Nico blushes and shoves me, I hit my head against the dumpster (i didn't get hurt, don't worry). For some reason I still can't stop laughing. Nico looks at me and smiles, then starts laughing as well.
"Share?" I ask.
He nods, giving the sandwich back so I can take a bite.

It turns out that the field we were promised to was a lie. We're going to the museum for an 'educational' trip (I never thought there'd be any museums in these parts of DC). So they lied about the amusement park, only to get the kids exited, how did they even get enough money for this?
I thought this day couldn't get any worse, but it would have been a miracle if it wasn't. Our chaperone is non other than the Satan-spawn. Sister Caroline. Why is this not a surprise?
All the kids in the bus seem to be happy. Why won't they be? We live in such a hell-hole. For the first time in my life, I don't feel like annoying anybody. Nico is enjoying it, though. He had this unusual gleam in his eyes: Excitement. It's been a long time since I've seen him this happy. Well actually this is the first time ever. He's looking outside the window, looking so mesmerised, like he's never seen buildings before. I wanted to run as soon as we reached there. Slip out when nobody's looking, I've packed enough junk to last us a week, until some rich business man comes around and takes pity on us two poor boys and decides to adopt us. I have a wild imagination, but there still chances of this to happen. But then there's Nico...
I don't want to ruin this for him. He's my only friend. My only family.

As long as me and Nico are together, nothing can go wrong.

"All children make a group of threes and we shall proceed with the tour"
Said the Satan-spawn, in her fake gentle voice. Our group arrived last, all the other groups were already in. Everyone chose their partners, ignoring me and Nico. Typical.
"So it's just us again" I say to Nico.
"It's always been just us" he sighs.
"Umm guys?" Says a voice behind us. I turn around to see a familiar red-head. Grover Underwood.
"Can I join you? Um, everyone's already in threes, uh, I thought I'd join you"
Grover is like us. Different. He had an accident when was little and has to use crutches to walk, that's what makes him different from the rest, so everyone treats him differently. Nico and I don't usually hang out with him much, he's always in the dorm room, watching down from the windows like a security guard. Grover is the only kid that's nice to us, well duh! Maybe he can come with us when we escape from here. I won't mind to have another adoptive brother once the our business man dad takes us in.
"Sure" I smile at him. Nico huffs. Jealous little Neeks.
"Alright children" calls the Satan-spawn."Let's go. No wandering about, no making noise. Pick up one pamphlet each and follow the guide"
Here we go.
ARGH!!!! I'm so sorry this chapter's so boring!!! I ran out of ideas, i was struggling with the next part and falling behind schedule. I'll edit this in future!!! But for now please bear with me!!!
Ps: I'm a Leo ♌️ 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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