[Ch3] Leo

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This is gonna be long...
"Yuck! I think I'm gonna be sick" Grover gags.

Right now we're walking through the 'wilderness exhibit'. Technically we're way behind the other kids since Grover can't walk that fast, so I stay behind. There are some really cool animals here, kept in these huge glass cases, so far I could only identify a skunk. The guide went on and on about the different species of wild cats, Nico kept nodding and taking notes like this is some real valuable information. But I don't want to ruin this for him, he was really excited to be here.
Nico couldn't stop gawking when he saw this place, Grover on the other hand looked horrified, like he accidentally deleted all his Spice-girls' albums. He kept gagging, and tried not to look at anything. He nearly fainted when he saw the stuffed mountain goat.
What's up with these Vegans?
Grover seemed really uncomfortable.
"Hey you ok?" I ask Grover.
"Yeah! It's just, this place is making me feel queasy. C-can we like skip this place and go somewhere else"
"Sure! Let me go tell Sister Caro-"
I flinch as he snapped. He realises what happened and gives me a nervous smile.
"Sorry! She doesn't like me. Probably won't let me go" he uses one of his crutches to point at another exhibit besides this one. "Maybe if we take a short cut through there, we'll meet the group in the cafeteria"
This is my chance.
"If that's the case" I say. "Wanna sneak out?"
Grover and I ended up in an entirely different place, rather than the cafeteria. The exhibit we were planning to cut through is under construction, we took another route and got completely lost and there's nobody here, we're completely alone. At the moment, I'm trying to find a way on the map, given to us along with the pamphlet, while Grover tries not to get a panic attack.
"Oh no, we're lost, completely lost, absolutely lost" Grover says, panting. He's sweating like crazy. "Oh man, I think I'm gonna barf"
"When do you not? Don't worry, uh, go there" I point at the WC. "Go there and barf all you want"
"Ugh...ok...w-wait for me, h-here"
I give him a nod and he limps away. I start looking for the dinosaur-exhibit on the map again, but still no luck. I never got lucky after I met Nico, not that I mind or anything. I was lucky enough to meet him.
I'm looking through the list of exhibits again, tracking each and every route on the map when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see...
"Nico?" I say. Surprised. Nico's standing in front of me, his arms crossed, and a scowl on his face.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asks, there's anger in his voice.
"What? How did you find me? Weren't you-"
"-Are you running off again?"
"What? No! Grover wasn't feeling well so I thought we'd skip-"
"-so your gonna run away with him now?"
"Are you gonna let me finish!?"
He places his hands on his hips, with an expression like: not interested.
"What are you doing here?" I ask."You were following me, weren't you?"
Nico sighs and wipes his forehead with the cuff of his sleeve.
"Yes I was, I had to make sure you didn't run off with Grover"Nico twisted his silver ring. I didn't know he had one."It's your fault, you and him just disappeared. I had to"
"You think I'm gonna run off with him?"
"I-I, uh. Well, were you?"
"JESUS NICO! You seriously think that? Are you out of your mind?" That's it, that's about it, I'm tired of his crap.
"Leo! Were you?" He asks.
"YES!" I yell. "Yes! I was gonna elope with him, we would live together in a nice cottage by the sea and have kids. We'd be a nice family"
Nico stood there, silent. I don't think we've ever fought like this before and now I'm feeling guilty. Nico was only concerned about me, nothing else. It's my fault he's this paranoid, because I want to run away. I ran away from every single foster home, only to end up in the orphanage again. Until I met him. Nico has been the only reason I stayed, and the only reason I wasn't sent away. I want to leave so badly, with him. Maybe we'll have better future this way. He'll  never have to be scared about me leaving. We'll be together, always. I just want him to come with me. I just want him to listen to me.

I just want to be with him forever.

I hold Nico's arms. He looks down, at his shoes not wanting to meet my eyes. I was about to say something but was cut off by some evil snickering.
"Look what we have here" says Dylan. The No.1 bully of our orphanage. He thinks he's so cool, you should see him in bible study classes. He acts like like a chicken there. Dylan's equally evil friend, Drew, pops up behind him. Holding a spring roll. Both of them must have sneaked in one of the buses to get here. Kids above 13 weren't allowed, and theses guys, 17, they'll be kicked out In a year's time. I'll have to wait till then.

"Well, if it isn't the fairy and his pet"
Drew takes a bite out of his roll. He looks like a cannibal.
"Leave us alone" Nico growls.
"Oh! This fairy's got guts" Dylan seems amused
"Say, why don't we teach the fairy not to mess with us" Drew says.
Nico freezes. He looks terrified, of what these two might do to him. I won't let them hurt Nico. I push him behind, so I stand face to face with Dylan's flab.
"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size" I challenge them. Nico looks at me.
"Leo! They're like, twice your size"
"Nico! Shut up. I'm trying to be a hero here"

Both Dylan and Drew start laughing. Now I'm embarrassed. Nico elbows me hard. Great! I just made a complete fool of us.
"Ha! Some hero you are. Never seen a skinny imp like you before" Dylan smirks.
"Like he said: leave us alone you shitheads!"
"What did you say?" Dylan grabs me by the shirt and lifts me up till I'm standing on my toes."listen here mutt! You think you have the balls to mess with us? You think your so strong?"
Drew walks towards Nico, whose still frozen. He yanks at Nico's hair, he winces. No!
"Leave. Nico. ALONE!" I kick Dylan's stomach. And he stumbles, releasing his hold. Drew looks back.
"Your gonna pay for this fucking Valdez" Dylan growls. I run, but Drew gets hold of me. I struggle hard, swishing my fists, kicking my legs. Trying to make him loosen his grip. But it stays firm.
"Fucking mutt" Dylan punches me. Striking my left temple. It hurt bad, a single drop of blood flows down my cheek, to the ground. I start seeing stars. He raises his fist again, but stops midway. He stares at something. Drew glanced behind and quickly let go of me. I collapsed on the floor. They both ran away.
"That's right!"I yelled."fear the supersized McShizzzle, shitheads!"
"LEO!" Nico ran towards me and helped me stand up. His eyes were turning red and glassy, he's about to cry. "Are you ok? Anything broken?"
He inspects me. Gasping when he sees my bruised temple. Tears start to flow down his cheeks.
"Is it that bad?" I ask. "It's not ruining my looks, right?"
"Does it still hurt?" He chokes.
"Nah! Nothing hurt the great Leo"
"looks like you do have the balls to fight him" Nico smiles. I smile back.
Our little bromance session is interrupted by someone, clearing their throat. We look up.
Oh the horror!
"And just about where, have you boys been?"Sister Caroline stood in front of us, her arms crossed and her face, Satanic as ever.
"You two are in deep trouble"

So another Leo ch!!!
Sorry if it's boring/ too long. I couldn't stop brainstorming!!! Leo's pretty easy to write about!💜💜💜💜💜💜
Spoiler: Coach Hedge makes an entry!

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