[CH 5] Leo

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Guess who's back!!!




Was all I heard, while I was busy trying not to piss in my pants. And of course, shielding Nico from sister Satan. Then everything went silent.

When she had transformed into that disgusting lizard form, I nearly fainted. But then suddenly I lost sensation of my legs and they started moving on their own, bolting for the door. This has never happened before. I know you might be thinking that normal in situations when your about to get devoured by a demonic lizard-chicken hybrid, but this was different. It felt like somebody ceased my control over my legs and forced them to run even when I forced them not to.For now, I blame that on the adrenaline. Nico is still bundled up in my arms, he's cold and stiff as a statue. He must have passed out. I slowly turn back, to see what happened to Sister Satan. The place has gone awfully quiet. I thoroughly look around to see anything suspicious, when I spot a heap dust lying on the floor, right in front of me. That wasn't there before. It looks like ashes, maybe, stained with deep red blood. Which I pray it isn't. All of a sudden the heap starts to sizzle, and slowly it disintegrates in complete nothingness, until there's no spec of dust left leaving behind the polished marble floor. Im terrified and amazed the same time.

Cool! Magic dust.

"ARGH! stupid...darn lizard..." I hear someone groan. I jump, almost dropping unconscious Nico in the process, but I hold on to his limp body firmly. The voice comes from the far end of the exhibit, which is covered in shadows. The voice sounds like very shrewish grown man's, who's probably gone through some tough shi- I hear footsteps growing louder, coming towards us, and more groaning about, lizards, stupid monsters followed by some colourful language. I swear the nuns back at the orphanage would love to meet this guy. He slowly starts coming into view as he emerges from the shadows. He's quite smaller than I had expected, about my hight. He's wearing a NYC cap and couches grubs, his trousers fit him funny, and he's holding a broken baseball bat. His face is worse, his nose is bleeding and he cut his lip, he has a huge gash on his his forehead, like he just head-butted a Dwayne Johnson's chest. It seems to be turning bluer by the second. He keeps walking until he's standing close enough for me to smell him. I think i might die, has this guy ever heard of deodorants? He's probably European.

"Blasted monster" he muttered and then glares at me and Nico. "Now you better tell me why in Hades' sake did you follow that thing into a completely unsupervised empty exhibit?"

I simply gawk at him. He sighs and begins again.

"Listen kid, that thing costed me my enchanted baseball bat, you better have a good reason for making up for it, these things aren't easy to find in the market!" he holds up his broken bat. I almost feel sorry for it.

"Um, s-sir actually-"

"Coach!" He corrects.

"Coach!" I say, "W-We didn't know she was a demon. She's our dorm incharge"

"Well that 'dorm incharge' is a gorgon. She was heavily covered with the mist, I was almost tricked by it as well. Now don't worry kid, she's gone for now, so before she revives again, lets get you and your dead boyfriend back so you can start packing for-"

"-Sorry...packing?" I ask.

"Well of course, packing! the train leaves in a day. It'l take you...wait...he didn't tell you, did he?" The coach's eyes widen, with fear maybe. He starts cursing again. "That darn goat! Can't do anything right, The cloven gave him one job! Grover that oaf!"

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