[CH 10] Nico

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After an hour or so we reach our destination.
It was a really crowded street and we could barely make through. Considering that we had a huge truck.

I know this sounds dumb, but I'm still not sure whether all of this is real or not. Sure we traveled almost a hundred miles to London on water, we fought these weird flying chicken ladies. By now I should've been used to all this stuff, but it's really hard to process.

My main motive of all of this is to find my mom and my sister. If my dad really is a god, it would mean he knows what happened to mom and Bianca a few years ago.

Grover suddenly parks the truck right in the middle of the road.

"Okay guys, we're here" Grover says and gets down.

"Wait..." Leo scans the area. "This is it? A busy street, this is our ticket to that magic school?"

"Oh! We aren't there yet. This place to too busy to travel by truck so walking it is"

Leo groans and gets down, I follow.

Last night Leo, instead of sitting with me, settled at the back of the truck, I don't know why, I wanted to protest because I wanted to be with him but his calm expression stopped me from doing so. I've never seen Leo so calm before. He seemed happy, but not the usual happy. He looked like a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders, he was finally at peace.

I couldn't say no to him.

Grover takes out the keys of the truck. As he presses the lock button almost instantly the truck begins to fold, and shrink. It lets out really loud creaking noises of rustic metal.

Finally the truck converted into a small metal cube. Grover picked it up, kept it in his pocket and told us to follow

"That. Was. Awesome" Leo states, his eyes wide open.

Despite what happened, the passers by didn't even give us a glance. I remember Grover telling me about the 'mist' back when we were travelling on the Atlantic. It was some sort of veil that prevented Non-mags (normal people) from seeing magic.

As cool as it sounds, it was pretty scary as well.

"Where are we going?" Leo asks.

"A place called the 'Leaky Cauldron'. It might look tacky, but is a really cool place to hang out at."

"Hey Grover! I never asked you this but, how did you find us in the first place" I ask.

"It wasn't easy at first when me and some other demigod guides came to America. Most of the demigods we found were orphans and homeless. So that's where I was assigned to start my search. I kept moving from one place to another until one of our guides found you. He was disguised as a police officer."

"You mean to say...that the police officer that brought me to the station after my mom and sister went missing, was a guide like you?"

"Yes! That was Gleeson Hegde, you guys met him before at museum."

"I remember him!" Leo says. "He was quite grumpy"

"He also happened to be the one who found you lying at that street-"

"But why wasn't I brought to Hogwarts back then?" I ask, cutting Leo off. "Why did you leave me at the orphanage?"

If they had rescued me back then. I would've known how to use magic. I could've used it to find mom and Bianca. I wouldn't have had to waste so much time, and they would've been here with me right now.

"We had no choice" Grover says coldly. "There was a huge war going on during the time you were found. We lost many demigods and we could afford to loose more. So we had keep you guys somewhere safe and we had to make sure you never knew about the Greek mythology, so you were put into Catholic centres instead."

"But the war...?"

"I'm sorry I can't tell you much about this. Coach Hedge will tell you everything"


Leo rest his hand on my shoulder. He gives me a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry" he whispers. "We'll find out the truth...about both our pasts"

I nod and keep walking.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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