We almost kiss

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~3rd person~

There was a shack almost in the middle of the woods. It's a beautiful morning, the birds are singing, the trees are dancing. The summer break have already eneded and now everyone is excited about the first day of school. That means parents could have their alone times without having their kids being at home all day.

Anyway, there is a boy sleeping alone, finallhave the room full for himself. The boy's room was inside an attic, one big triangle window middle of the wall. On the right side the of the room, there is the boy sleeping peacefully but his twin sister, Mabel have to budge in and screams to wake him, which it work of course. The boy fall down hitting his butt on the floor with a groan of the pain, while Mabel is laughing in the background.

~Dipper Pov~
I was on the floor by my twin sister, Mabel just budge in without knocking at my door. She can be sweat but sometimes she can be annoying but I love her more than anything.

"Dipper you gonna be late for our first day at school!" Mabel have her hands on her hips and kinda leaning forward with concerned face.

"*Sigh deeply* But do i have to." Whining like a little kid, after getting up.

"Yes! You have to go and the bus will be here any minute, so go and get dress."

Left closing the door, leaving me all alone. So I went ahead and get ready quickly as possible, took a shower and brush my teeth, rushed to my bedroom to changed into my uniforms(shows the picture on top).

When I'm done, I can't find my backpack anywhere, however, when I checked outside the window, I saw Mabel with my stuff already. With that I Rushed down to the stairs all the way to the kitchen grabbing a apple and a banana for breakfast. Dash to the door way saying goodbye to my great uncles, Stan and Ford.

"Just right on time!" Mabel handed my stuff to me.

"*Signed* This will gonna be hell." I thought to myself, as I walked in the bus right after Mabel.

Mabel waved off to her best friends and sit next to them, already chatting. While me will sit at the back, putting on my headphones, listening to my favorite songs, and watch outside as we move along.

~ Bill pov ~

I went to the bus with my twin brother, Will. As I searched to see an empty spot, there was something that caught my eye. An cute boy in the back wearing a headphone, leaning on the window, sleeping peacefully. I went there where the boy was sitting and admiring the beauty. I really want to kiss him in those soft perfect lips of his, I lean down to kiss him but the boy is started to awaken. I went back to my consciousness, I blushed lightly that were are few inches away.

~Dipper pov~

I awoke feeling an warmth breath and an heavy weight. I turned around seeing cute blonde boy few inches away from me. I blushed of how close we are and then he just smirked at me. I was speechless and there was the awkward silent. I spoke out first broking the awkwardness, "W-why are you so c-close." I shuttered in embarrassment and the hottness he was.

~Bill pov~

My cute little brunette boy, oh, how I been blessed, moving here was a good thing after all. Oh, how I can't wait to make him all mine. I smirked at the idea of me and the brunette hair boy will be holding hands, cuddling while listening to music. But I stopped day dreaming and spoke out without thinking.

"Well, I can't deny a adorable sleepy beauty. I just want you and maybe we could cuddle.~"

The boy blushed messily and went blank. I smirk and blush lightly, but inside I was screaming, how dumb that was. I just met him and now I wanna do the things couples do. I'm so stupid! Let's try and play it smooth.

"But anyway my name is Bill, Bill Chiper and you cutie." Whinking at him.

The boy still blanked out but did respond. "M-my name is D-Dipper Pines."

The blushed have cold down, and my plans went smoothly. "I think your name is really cute, pinetree," smiling at the nickname I gave him.

~ Dipper pov ~

"Why you call me pinetree?"

"Well is because your hat." He said while pointing at my hat where there was blue pinetree shaped in the middle.

"I got the hat from the shack when I first got here in my summer break."

~ Bill pov ~

The bus stopped and the kids went outside toward to the school, pintree and i went to our lockers. We talk about each other like what is our favorite color, songs, food, stuff like that. He told me that he will gave me a tour around the school and we shared are scheduled knowing that we have the same classess. I'm so excited knowing that today will be the best day ever because I just made a new friend and later, hopefully I make him mine.

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