Chapter Nine

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"Okay so our next class is Math, be careful because the teacher is really hot." Oceanius said. We walked into the classroom.

"Okay class, so today we'll be learning about the correct way to apply eyeliner. Now pop quiz, who knows how to spell the word virtues!" The teacher said in a really rich voice. He was wearing a super hot dark red tuxedo, that showed off his bulging arm muscles. They weren't as big and bulgy as Big Jill's muscles though. The teacher didn't stop writing on the blackboard.

"OHH PICK ME! I KNOW! V-I-d-e-r-I-t-es!!" Oceanius yelled.

"WRONG!" The teacher spun around.

"OH EM GEE BRENDON URIE IS MY TEACHER??" I squealed. Once again everyone gave me weird looks and told me to shut up. Including that Tiffany French girl. She must still be jealous of my awesome comebacks.

"Sorry I'm late sir, I had to do the intro to my vlog!!" Morgz came in, vlogging his way into my heart once again. What a stereotypical bad boy!! "Hope, come with me, I have something to confess to you!!" He gasped, and dragged me out of the room, much to Oceanius's annoyance. He pulled me onto his back and zoomed into the forest next to the school, faster than Lightning McQueen ever could. Ugh, I stan so hard.

"What is it Morgan??" I gasped.

"Hopeleighlyn, I'm. a. VAMPIREE!!" He cried, revealing his pearly white fangs that were long. but not as long as my lOVE FOR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!!

"oh em gee that's so hot morgan no wonder you're such a bad boy?" I uwu'ed.

"I'm actually a Vampire Prince. Big Muscle Gorl Jill and Bald Frick Martin are the Vampire Queen and King. That's why Bald Martin had red stains on his face. It was blood." Morgan looked at me dead in the ORBS. "I am going to suck your blood now Hope." Morgan said. And then he....


we arrived home to dad's mansion and we walked in on..... BIG JILL AND BALD MARTING WATCHING PEPPA PIG??

"I thought that was only for a video??" I gasped!!

"Oh no everything in the video was real Hope. They watched Peppa Pig all the time. And my ex-girlfriend, Kiera actually was cheating on me with Ryan. And because of that my parents payed the school to expel her so I wouldn't have to see her cheating lying face in math class with Mr Urie." He explained.

"Oh yeah. By the way, what do you think of Mr Urie? He seems to be a good teacher..." I yawned. I was tired. Especially after Morgan and I had a big blood sucking sesh in the forest behind the school.

"Oh he seems okay..." Morgan replied.

There was a knock at the door. Big Jill opened the grand door with her big huge bulgy muscles.

"Hope! It's for you!! Mr Urie is here to do some tutoring!" She yelled. I skipped Over to the door and invited him in. he was still wearing the dark red tuxedo and carrying many many textbooks.

Mr Urie then chimed in with a "Haven't you fricking people heard of closing the goshdamn door?" He stepped in and yeeted the fricking the shut, much to our fright and uwus

"Let's study by the hot tub outside" he said enthusiastically.

"Okay" I replied.

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