Chapter 2

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So yesterday, me and my sister found out that I was accepted to 15 colleges, one of them being my dream school University of Chicago.

University of Chicago had a 8% acceptance rate. And for me to get accepted is insane. I used to joke about this school to my siblings about how I knew I could
never get in because I wasn't smart enough and probably didn't meet enough standards.

Capo always told me that I would make it, but I always told him that he was just saying it because he felt like it was his job to do so.

The decision was made as soon as I opened it. But
now I had to tell my dad. I already knew how he was going to react. He was going to scream, curse and all that but honestly I didn't give a fuck because it's my life and I'm gone do what I wanted to do regardless.

All day i've been sitting around waiting for him to get home so I could tell him. Around 9:30 p.m I heard him walk in the door. I jumped out of bed and walked down the stairs of the mini mansion we lived in.

"Um I need to talk to you." I said looking at him as he put his stuff from work down. He walked in the dining room and sat at the head of the table.

"Where the food at? Didn't I tell Linda to cook?" He asked turning his head and looking around the kitchen.

"She put your plate in the microwave. But did you hear me? I said I needed to talk to you." I spoke
growing irritated at the fact that he ignored my first statement.

"Heat my plate up and i'll consider talking to you."

"Man ion got time for allat shit. I just wanted to tell you that my mind is made about what college i'll be attending." I said turning around and getting ready to walk away.

"And what college do you think that is?" He asked sitting up.

"University of Chicago."

"No. Try again."

"What the fuck do you mean try again? That's the school I'm going too. What's the issue?" I spoke
with a attitude. I knew I had a temper and he knew that too so I don't know why he thought him talking to me crazy was gone get him somewhere.

"Little girl I don't know who you talking to but you not finna be living under my roof telling me what school you going too. Your ass is fried if you think that's how shit work around here." He spoke standing up.

"Maybe you don't understand what's coming out my mouth, but let me clear it up for you. At University of Chicago I will not be living under your roof anymore. I'm 18 I'm a fucking adult. I swear you think we just supposed to do whatever you want us to do cause you our dad. You don't even deserve a dad tittle. You don't do shit but go to work and mope around the house sad cause your ex bitch ran with your money and your child. I'm done with this conversation." I turnt back around and started walking towards the stairs when I felt an aggressive grip grab me by the arm.

"I'm gone tell you one time and one time only you got 2 days to either pick a new school or get the fuck out of my house. I don't deserve a dad tittle right? But who was there for you paying for your rehab classes when you turned into a fucking junkie. I find it so funny how your ungreatful ass never remember the shit I went out of my way to do. And fuck that bitch. If you think she's the reason I mope around the house maybe I should go put her where your brother at. Ungreatful bitch." He spat before pushing me with all his force making me run into the wall then fall onto the ground.

Instantly I grabbed my knee holding it because the amount of pain I was in. I looked at him then picked myself up limping up the stairs to my room.

This is why I hated him and this is why I'm leaving.

Once I arrived in my room I broke down crying. I'm not no soft ass bitch or nothing but how much can a person take in life? The man who's supposed to care about me more than anybody on this planet, is the same man I wish I could kill.

I hated it here. Nobody but Nari knew the real issues I went through on a daily dealing with my father. I swear a lil makeup and a cute wig could make all the hurt disappear.

I wiped my tears and looked down at my knee. It didn't look broken or anything it just hurt a lot hopefully nothing a ice pack and some pain pills
couldn't fix.

I called my sister Niyara who lives in Chicago to let her know what just happen.

I was getting out of here, and I was getting out fast.

I laid back in my bed lighting a wood.

I needed this right now.


Sooo Chapter 2🤨?

How y'all feeling bout her going to University of Chicago?

Who y'all think she gone run into out there ?

How y'all feel about her father? Y'all loving it ain't y'all ?

How y'all feel about her father? Y'all loving it ain't y'all ?

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Niyara, 20, Nicole's  sister.

Nathan , 56 , Nicole's Dad

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Nathan , 56 , Nicole's Dad

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