Chapter 9

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I woke up with a pounding headache. I sat up with my eyes still closed knowing that if I were to open them my headache would just get worse. I put my hands over my eyes and opened them slowly feeling the headache rise more.

What the fuck was I drinking last night? I thought to myself. I looked around the room taking in the very familiar view.

I was at Niyaras house.

A wave of relief flashed over me. I was relieved because I ended up in a place that i was ok with being. The place where I was supposed to wound up.

I climbed out of bed and looked around the room even more. My clothes that I had on last night were scattered everywhere. I had on a oversized tee and one sock.

I giggled to myself and walked into the hallway looking for my sister.

"Niyaraaaaaaaa." I sung walking through the hallways.

I heard movement in one of the rooms and when I walked towards the room and opened the door I saw that it was  niece Bella trying to crawl out of her bed.

"Hey my TT baby! What you doing up?" I said talking in baby language even though she was 3.

She rubbed her eyes then reached her little toddler arms out to me. I walked towards her and scooped her up treating her like the baby she wasn't.

"Now let's go get your mommy." I spoke as we walked out of her room.

Later on that day.

"So look I'm gone need you and Bibby to resolve whatever issues it is that y'all got." My sister spoke as we were in the car on the way to get Cyan.

"See Yara, you was doing so good. You haven't said anything about him all day whyyy did you have to bring it up now?" I said rolling my eyes.

"BIBBY! Me call BIBBY!" My niece shouted from the backseat.

Niyara laughed while I did nothing but roll my eyes. Even my own niece liked Bibby, it's like I can't escape this man.

"You heard my baby. Call that man right now."
Niyara said while handing me her phone.

I stayed quiet while I typed in his number and pressed the FaceTime logo.

The phone rang and rang and eventually connected, his face popped in the screen before I could even give Bella the phone.

"What you calling me for off Niyara phone?" He spoke. His deep voice coming through the phone gave me chills down my spine and then a wave of hatred.

"Bella wanted to talk to you. Not me, so don't even flatter yourself." I said while handing the phone to my niece in the backseat.

She immediately started talking to Bibby asking him what he was doing and where Killa was at. It was hard to make her out, but someway he knew how to respond without an issue.

I smiled a little to myself seeing how well he was talking to my niece. I couldn't help but think how things would've been if our baby would've been born.

I could feel myself getting emotional and looked up and seen we were getting closer to the hotel. I pulled out my phone to text Cyan that we were outside and just continued listening to my niece talked to Bibby.

Minutes later Cyan hopped in the car and greeted everyone. We drove to the mall just listening to Bella talk Bibby's ear off.



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Nicole had been gone for atleast a week now. And every since she's left things have been so hard.

My dad is upset most of the time and he finds a way to take all his anger out on me.

Things that Nicole used to do, he expected me to do now. That meant stuff around the house, and at the trap. Within a week I went from being happy, to being sadder than ever.

He made me quit the volleyball team, I can't be on my phone unless he's gone which for some reason is never now, and I can't eat unless he's satisfied with the way the house is looking and the way the money is coming in at the trap.

I knew that me telling anyone could get me killed or worse but how could I continue to live like this? I didn't deserve this and I was honestly too young for it. I just want things to go back to how they used to be. I just want my mom to come and rescue me.

Filler chapter...

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