Chapter 5

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A/N: for now on i update after chapters reached 20 votes!



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So I'm gone be more formal & introduce myself before I get into the crazy events that I have planned for the day.

My name is Niyara (Ni-Ya-Rah), I'm 20 years old. I have a 3 year old daughter, her name is Isabella, but everybody call her Bella. I make my main source of money from doing hair but I'm also the plug if you know, you know.

I've been living on my own for 3 years now. Originally I lived with my dad, but when I got pregnant with my daughter, I was only 17 years old so my dad kicked me out.

I stayed with my child's father for like a month then once I hit 5 months and found out I was having a girl I got up off my ass and started working, I guess you can say reality hit.

I've always known how to do hair but when people used to tell me that I should take it serious, I used to shrug them off. But that changed, and now I'm a well known hairstylist in Chicago and I couldn't be happier.

Money was great, I was in the process of getting my own studio to do hair in so I wouldn't have to keep paying booth rent at the shop I was currently working at.

My daughter was healthy and so was I, so I can't really complain about life. I missed my mom and my brother but everything I did was for them and I just hope that i've been making them proud all this time.

Now enough about me and back to reality.

Today I planned to take Nicole down to the trap just to get her on board with everything that's going on. Nicole was apart of them team before she left for Texas so her coming back to the team wasn't up for debate.

No one knows that Nicole is back, but I knew they would be happy. Well most of them would be happy.

Nicole left unexpectedly so to some it looked really weird especially being that the person she left with is the person who many people think has something to do with my brothers death, my dad.

If you know Nicole you know there's a reason to everything she does and you also know that she's not going down without a fight.

While she was in Texas, she was on a mission. Now I know that sounds crazy but it's true so let me break it down.

When my dad dragged her out of Chicago, she was hurt, devastated and angry while still mourning. But me being the big sister and leader I am, I had to find some good out of the situation.

Then that's when we came up with a solution. Since my dad dragged her to Texas, we knew there was no getting her back until after she turned 18. And it was really eating her up that she didn't know who killed my brother. All she wanted was revenge. So for those 2 years she was down there, she played a inside man job.

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