Part 6

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"Guys, we've lost Chase."

Jackie and Marvin glanced towards each other, both knowing they now had to find two people instead of one, which, they were guessing, would take a longer time.

"We're going to find you. Where are you?" Jackie asked into the radio, the static being the only thing making noise until he got a reply.

"We're at the rocks again. And don't ask how we got here because we don't know either," Jack stated, sounding exasperated, his egos knowing how much he was stressing as they could tell by the tone of voice he was using.

"They better hurry, 'cause I'm bleeding out here," Anti groaned, just lying on the ground with his arms and legs spread out, looking like he could care less about what was happening.

"What's wrong with him?" Marvin questioned as he and Jackie began to walk to where they knew Jack and Anti were as they had walked towards there around three times, so they just retraced their steps, which seemed harder then it sounded.

The two could hear Jack sigh before he spoke, "His stitches ripped and he's bleeding out. I don't know how to help."

"Right. We'll get going, should be there soon," Marvin said, not so sure on that last part since it depended on if they got lost or if something happened.


"Anti! Sit back down, you're just hurting yourself more!" The hero and magician heard from their left, the two looking in that direction and seeing Anti trying to stand up, Jack trying to get him to sit down.

"Hey! Guys!" Jackie shouted, walking over, followed by Marvin, the other two turning in their direction.

Jack smiled and used a hand motion to beckon the other two over, finally getting Anti to sit down, "Do you's have a first aid kit?"

"Yea, I'll get it out," Marvin said, sifting through his bag to find it, pulling it out a few seconds later, Jackie holding his hand out for it.

He handed it to Jackie, who sat beside Anti and lifted his shirt, cleaning the wound before stitching it up. Anti hissed as the needle stuck into his skin, Jackie muttering a quiet, 'Sorry', before continuing.

When Jackie was finished, he picked up the first aid kit and set in on the ground, "So, you said you lost Chase."

"Yea," Anti said, pointing in the direction Chase went off in with a blank expression. "He went that way to see what the noise was. Didn't come back."

Marvin and Jackie nodded, Marvin replying, "We lost JJ too. He went out of our tent and when we followed, it was like he disappeared."

"Great," Anti said sarcastically, running his hands through his hair, bags having formed under his eyes due to the stress and not sleeping. "Just fucking great!"

Jack ran his hands over his face before proceeding to rub his eyes, yawning, being stressed about the situation at hand, as was everyone.

"We better get going," Marvin said after a few moments of silence, everyone else agreeing, hoping they would find the others along the way.

Jackie helped Anti up and walk, everyone trudging through the woods trying to find a way out while looking for the two missing adults, yet again.

It suddenly started raining again, the four still walking in any random direction, the change of weather not changing anything, other than the ground getting muddy and everyone's clothes getting wet.

They all groaned, despite this, all of them wandered about getting wet as they walked, just wanting one nice thing to happen while out here, but, at this rate, it didn't seem like it was going to happen.

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