Entry 21: You're Cold

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I had thought the wisest of ideas was sending Carlen a letter considering in the mornings he was working...

By evening he was black out wasted.

Did I do that to him?

I shook my head.

Naiden he called you replaceable. Shut up hon.

I looked down at my letter hoping that it read well. God only knew.

It was pretty lengthy but mostly it was just...
Me asking how he had been, asking how Aldwyn was doing, asking if I could see Aldwyn, asking If I could meet up with him to talk, asking if he was okay again, reminding him that I loved and missed Aldwyn... And then asking how he was again.

Regardless I think I got my point across. Let's meet sometime and discuss our healthy independent... Moving forward lives.

I went down to the postal office to send off the letter... The man looked at the letter miserably and chucked it into a pile behind him telling me it would arrive at some point next week.

I was just glad that... It wouldn't take over a month.

I resumed my week working, looking after my home and enjoying life as a Singleton again.

I nearly forgot about Carlen's letter.

That is until three weeks down the line... I realised I'd had no response.

I hurried home from work that day and tried to call his receptionist asking if he had received the letter.

Margaret answered the phone and immediately I could hear a baby crying in the background.

I recognised my son's wails.

"Hi, Margaret? "

"Hello! Yes this is Mr Russworth's office how can I help you?"

I was so relieved to hear her voice. "Margaret... Its Naiden. I was wondering if Carlen received my letter yet..."

For a second she paused. "Hi, I just want to remind you that all correspondence is arranged by the information department and any letters usually arrive within 3-5 working days. Did you... Need feedback on something sir?"

I bit my lip at her cold tone.

"Margaret.... Don't you remember me?"

She hummed "Sorry sir, Did you call earlier?"

I scoffed.

Oh my God. I could not believe him.
He'd made them all pretend... Like I never existed.

" Margaret... I sent my letter 3 weeks ago... I was kinda hoping to meet with Carlen."

She chuckled "I have to remind you that regarding any Interviews or appointments with Mr Russworth you need to book them two months in advance otherwise they don't make it up on the calendar sir. Did you have an appointment?"

I bit my lip feeling my eyes well up.

"Margaret. That's my son crying right now. I need to see him! I need to talk to Carlen."

She let out a long sigh.

"Naiden... Listen. I gave the boss your letter last week... It upset him even hearing your name and he threw away your letter. It was my decision That we don't mention you around the house. Mr Russworth hasn't been well... So... If you could please..."

She let out another long sigh and I felt like a murderer.

" If you could please leave him alone.... I don't want to have to deal with harassment lawsuits in future... And you don't have to worry about Aldwyn. His mother loves him a lot... And he has good butlers and maids... So please... Don't call anymore okay?"

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