Entry 26: Naiden's Disposition

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"Yes has Aldwyn made it home yet?"

I had began pacing near the looming windows staring out at the night sky while slowly climbing out of my suit.

Rio sighed softly "I mean... Yes sir but... Mr Santos says he can't come over tomorrow. He's uh... Been called out sir."

I hummed to myself.
I see. He was finally taking ownership of his son.

Maddeus wasn't a terrible father but he did live a double life pretending that he was a hard ass.

He really wasn't.

I smirked to myself reminded how Rayus had been running around the place with a baby strapped to himself. He reminded me of me when Aldwyn was born.

I exhaled nervously. It didn't help I was stuck here overnight... At Naiden's house... Where it smelt of him everywhere. How the fuck was I going to go home after being near him again?

I turned around only to spot him stood by in a long silk kimono, watching me as if curious.

My mouth fell open, feeling tightness in my abdomen.
"Wh... What?"

He smiled, eyes lighting up bright.

There it was. That glint I'd tried so hard to snuff out. What an idiot I'd been.

His son carried no glow in his eyes and hell... I hated it.

"You realise your room is ready right?"

I scoffed trying to get words out before calmly grumbling..
"Yes... Yes I know um... Thank you. You should... Sleep. Ill... I just have to get some updates. "

He tilted his head, honey blond hair falling forward freely as he smiled. "Well... Okay... But um... If you need me I'm just next door okay?"
He pointed back at his bedroom door.

I could only watch him as he stiffly backed off until the door had shut softly and it registered that I'd been listening to dial tone for the last few seconds.

I was alone with him. No one to judge my actions or to tell me that he's a filthy toy.

He wasn't just a toy to me.

I bit my lip, sitting down on the soft couch trying to focus on the phone ringing again.
It wasn't helpful that I could hear him moving around in his room... And I was pretty sure the beast in my pants was slowly trying to make a show of things.

"Hello!" Blue's gentle voice rung out over the phone.

" Blue I need your advice."

He chuckled "Annnnd with what exactly?"

" With... Affairs of the heart."

He hummed "Oh wow... You're asking me. This must be serious..."

I chuckled to myself." Blue. I've made many mistakes in my life. Tell me that... I must be stupid for feeling this way..."

For a long while there was silence... Until finally.

"Whatever you're thinking... Its probably not stupid Carlen. You're the most logical man I know. It's why you and I are good friends after all. Me with all the charm and you with the brains. Why I never took you salsa dancing with me I'll never know."

I sighed feeling overwhelmed with my own anxieties, and tired with his joyful tone.

I found myself again... Listening to dial tone... Wondering what I should do... I could always make an excuse to leave... I could always.... Offer to stay elsewhere.

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