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The following is from "The Devil's Death ", a tale focusing on Aldwyn's path.

That evening after Dinner both my dad and Vladimyr occupied my lounge. Vladimyr pointed at the board with a stern expression. My dad followed along attentively.

"So our initial part of the campaign was charity work, community interaction connecting to the local community. From there we work on our networking."

He rolled his eyes at me.
"That means you, fancy Prince.... "

I tilted my head at him. " how many times... You see the people Scarlet wants me to mingle with."

My father swirled orange liquid in his glass gleaming at me. "Men have done worse for power Aldwyn. Connected with murderers and pedophiles. You do what you have to do."

Vladimyr chuckled walking around to the other side of the screen before loading his projector.

"This year I'm thinking local campaigns. Next year... We expand... And how."

I huffed "Are you fucking kidding me that's ages away!"

Vladimyr scowled at me. His voice growing bitter.
"Aldwyn I didn't tell you to hold back just to piss on your parade okay!? Reminder asshole people would still re-elect your old man over you."

My dad mumbled over to me silently "He's right, he's about to show you the figures."
At that moment Vladimyr pressed a button tilting his head at me, behind his bald head the screen read 28% Aldwyn Russworth. 52% Carlen Russworth 10% other.

I raised a hand to my head.
"Fine fuck! I'll socialise what do you have on the community front?"

Vladimyr glanced over the desk between us staring down at his notes.

"Uh... How do you feel about tutoring disadvantaged kids after school?"

I rolled my eyes "Can't stand kids..."

Vlad continued looking over the document.

"Setting up an event for veterans or some sort of memorial event would be great for getting some of the older folks on your side Aldwyn."

I shrugged "It's a blatant political move! Don't you think people could tell I'm trying to buy them. Find something I can actually give a shit about Vlad!"

He huffed throwing the paper at me "We'll then read that last one!"

I groaned "And how long am I doing that shit for?"

Vlad peered at me "You do it so long as youre not president smartass."

I sighed in defeat. My right hand man was a right slave driver some days.

We both found ourselves standing around in the local protected park. I scowled at my clippers picking up a flapping empty packet before sticking it in my plastic bin bag.
Vladimyr was stood behind me, dressed in wellingtons and a plain jumpsuit staring at his phone as it flashed at me.

I glowered at him silently.
"Litter picking on Tuesdays and exorcising Demons on Thursday..."
"Aldwyn... We've talked about this if you call it a Demon exorcism you're gonna lose a large amount of followers. Learn to Call  things what they are."

I sighed in defeat marching off down the path as the sun began to dwindle.
Vladimyr behind me called out sing song style.
" You're helping disadvantaged substance abusers get groceries for their homes. "

I groaned hearing it back.
" I hate good will!"

Vlad hummed quietly behind me "I know you do."

That evening I was being prepared for Ore Dupont's Sons birthday event.

My dad, Naiden walked in with his hair tied back and a Cat burglar style face mask. He looked like a slender Zorro.

I groaned moving away from the flat iron Sylvia was using to straighten and curl my hair.

Naiden marched over smiling at me "Who are you going as Aldwyn?"

I exhaled running my hand through my hair.
"Rene Descartes."

My father smiled down at me "I'm so excited! Ugh! It's my first time meeting Mr Marek and Ore Dupont. Hopefully we can all be friends."

I raised a brow at the name.
Mr Marek? Wasn't that the name of Scarlets Godfather?
What the fuck would he be doing there? Would Scarlet be there too? I shrugged not dwelling on it too much.

Joining my father's in the car I received a text from my right hand man.
"I'm a court Jester. Scarlet is dressed up as Shakespeare."

I rolled my eyes. How out of place they would be at a French themed masquerade of all things...

My father dressed Like zorro and my other father dressed like King Louis himself were both deep In conversation.

I became hyperaware.

"Where's Michael?"

Naiden smiled at me "He's in good hands Aldwyn."

I shrugged focusing back on my own to do list.
And Mingle.

On arrival to the Residence I realised even the servants were dressed up role playing as servants to old Kings and Queens I glanced around the place admiring my dad's work.

The room was lit by old lights and candle systems. Servants mostly kept to the outer room as most people remained within the centre of the room.

A band played in full dress themselves. The room shone in hues of maroon blood like colours and shimmering gold to boast royalty.
I was in heaven with how I felt taken back to the time.

A nearby table held women playing card games and all the way to the other side a man poured wine into glasses and beside him a lengthy table held finger foods.

I glanced back at my father "Your love of art has proven effective. If I didn't know any better I'd have thought we'd crossed through a time portal."

Naiden gleamed at me from behind his mask.
My own felt tight as my father's voice growled out behind me.
"You're not wrong Aldwyn. Matter of fact we should go see what the hosts think of Naiden's plans. I think we might find they are even more diverged."

Ore Dupont was a tall woman with a round pale face and red lips. Beside her were two men. One slightly taller than her and slender with sharp eyes behind his mask. The other was even taller, bulkier and more rugged with his scruff of a beard.
Ore smiled over at my father.
"Well if it isn't Naiden!"

My dad went in for a hug as she held him to herself.
Naiden sighed worriedly "It's not too much is it?"

I glanced around the room trying to find the person whom the birthday was for, to no avail.
I walked closer to the band noticing how they even seemed absorbed in playing their sultry tunes.

Looking around at the female guests jewels and glitter bedazzled them as they gleamed and smiled behind feathers and leather.

I walked around over to the poker table only to notice a man was sat down surrounded by women dressed as courtesans all swooning at his pathetic card tricks.

I recognised his appearance and chuckled.

"Sartre, you're a few centuries too out of place aren't you?"

The man glanced up at me from the corner of his eyes.

He sighed throwing himself back in his chair eyeing me up cautiously.

"No one likes a Rationalist, Descartes. Why don't you sit with us and join us for a round of poker."

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