Chapter 7

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Norah was home working on a new page of Buttons when her cell phone rang. No one had called her in such a long time that she was surprised to hear her own ringtone. It was Colleen.

"Hey," Norah answered and immediately put the phone on speaker so she could continue drawing.

"Nor," Colleen said with flair of suspense. "I've got news."

"I'm listening."

"No, you're not," she said. "Put down your sketchbook for a second so you can take this in."

They knew her too well. She stopped drawing. "Fine. It's down."

Colleen paused and then she practically yelled, "I'm dating Colin Masters!"


Colin Masters was what was wrong with American high schools. He was a senior, he was the school's star football player, and he was famously very attractive. He could practically carry a cheerleading squad on his broad shoulders slice a watermelon in half with just his jaw line. But it didn't fool Norah. He was like a guy with a feathered hat; nice to look at, but everyone just knows he's a douche. Why Colleen would go for him was beyond Norah. Usually she went for guys with a little more class and a better track record with their girlfriends. Colin didn’t fit those criteria. Also their shipping name would be an abomination. Colleen and Colin? What could you even make from that? Colen? Collin? Coline? The thought made Norah cringe. She just knew this was going to end badly, but if she said that to Colleen she would come off as unsupportive, maybe even a little bitchy.

"I know, right?" Colleen gushed. "It's so unexpected. I met him at Ellis's party and ever since we've been talking a lot. Like, really talking. We went on a date last night and he asked me to be his girlfriend. Can you imagine? Me? The girlfriend of Pennington’s pride and joy?"

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"I didn't want to jinx anything."

"Well," Norah started. "I'm happy that you're happy."

"Thanks. I knew it was a good idea to tell you first."

"Thank you for telling me first. I'm honored." 

They said goodbye and Norah went back to drawing. She truly was happy for Colleen. If her friends were happy, she was happy. But she didn’t like Colin. She never did. It’s not like they spoke every day, or even saw each other, but what she had seen of Colin was enough to put her off for life. She had Buttons to take her mind off of it though. She was introducing a new character soon and he needed to be perfect if she wants to keep her readers happy. His mad awesome armor was almost done when her phone rang again. Norah groaned and checked the caller ID. This time it was Sierra.

"Norah Parrish's call center," she answered. "What can I do for you today?"

"You can be a little less sarcastic when you answer the phone."

"I would try, but I'm actually kind of busy."

"So am I," she said matter-of-factly. "I'm at the diner and we're swamped. Jeanine asked me to give you a call."

"Sierra, I don't work there anymore for a reason."

"You won't be doing anything serious. You'll mostly be in the kitchen or cleaning up tables. I promise we won't make you do anything hectic."

Norah sighed and thought about it. She was having such a nice, quiet Saturday until everyone else's day turned to shit. Sierra wouldn't call if it wasn't serious. "Fine. I'll be there in fifteen."

"I love you to the moon and back," she said. "See you later."

"See you."

Her apron was still tucked into a dark corner of her closet where she stuffed it and her white polo shirt was still okay, minus a few stains. Now Norah just needed to find a ride. Her mom wasn't home and her dad hated driving her around, but it was still worth a shot. She got dressed and jogged downstairs. There was golf on the TV and her dad was plopped in his lazy boy in front of it.

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