Chapter 20

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Norah's Christmas was spent home with her parents, as was most of New Years' day. She spent New Years eve watching fireworks on her roof with Ellis and his brother, Adam, who she met for the first time that night. The brothers were so different, it was almost impossible to tell that they were related. Adam had wildly curly almost black hair while Ellis' was straighter and unmistakably brown. Their eyes were the only thing they shared, so it was definitely something they got from their mother. They weren't only physically different though. Where Ellis was exuberant and eternally friendly, Adam was quiet, slipping sarcasm into a conversation whenever he opened his 9-year-old mouth.

She didn't see Ellis all that much otherwise, except for the two or three times he climbed over to her house late at night to get existential with her or to just bug her because he was bored. Sometimes they would add making out to the mix and Norah never regretted it when they did.

Norah and her parents were planning their trip to Denver. Both of her parents had gotten time off work and the tickets were booked. Even though them going along was supposed to make her feel better, knowing that her parents would be there, watching her, only made her more nervous. Like she would slip up and they'd decide that illustration was out of the question in terms of future studies. It terrified her beyond belief.

A few days after school started back up, Ellis found Norah at her locker. He slid in next to her and stood so close that she could hear, and feel, him breathing. 

"Look," he said. "I feel like it's time I did this."

She eyed him curiously, a sudden pang of nervousness hitting her in the gut. Was he going to reak up with her? They weren't even actually dating. "Um... Okay. What?"

He took a short breath. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Norah shook off the relief and faked a gasp. "Like an actual date?"

Ellis smiled sheepishly. "Yes. An actual date. A dinner and movie type thing."

"Oh, Ellis," Norah said, putting a hand to her chest. "I don't know what to say. I'm so flattered. Why, I would love to go on a date with you."

"Okay, okay. Drop the dramatics. I know my dating game is backwards."

"Ya think?"

"It's not like you're complaining," he said, leaning into her and creating a cage around her left side with his body. The amorous look in his eyes made her breathing hitch. "I know you like you."

"I won't deny it."

"Good. This would be really awkward if you did," he said and then kissed her.

When they pulled away, Norah could feel that her eyes looked hazy, but so were Ellis'. He ran one of his long fingers along her jawline, following the route with his eyes.

"Ugh. God," Jena said as she walked up to them. "Tone down the PDA please."

They laughed and created a little space between them, but only a little. Ellis wrapped an arm around her shoulder just so the contact wouldn't be broken. 

"Nor, can you please recap the English lit test for me real quick?" Jena asked.

"Do you know the main themes?"


"God, Jen. I can't work miracles."


"Okay, the main three are the coexistence of good and evil, social inequality and the importance of morals. Can you figure out how they apply to the story?"

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