Chapter 13

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She couldn't stop thinking about it. It was the most inconsequential thing in the world when you compared to other displays of affection, yet it rocked her. It was proof that he did in fact like her more than a friend. The thought terrified her. It was exciting. It made her realize that there was hope for her hopeless love life. But it still unnerved her. She knew nothing about dating. All she ever learned was by watching her friends, which was kind of creepy. This all from a peck on the cheek. It was such a big deal that it kept her up that night. It lasted less than a second and the impact was immense. What would it be like when he really kissed her?

When. She liked it much better than if

Despite only getting a few hours of sleep, Norah decided to get up early. She meant do something a little different with her day. All her artsy project pursuits were exhausted and probably would be for a while. She'd pick up this week's Buttons later, when she felt a little less sleep deprived. And when her head and heart are in sync again.

Nicole was already up, having a bowl of cereal at the dining room table. Norah slid into the chair across from her, earning a brief glance. 

"You're up early." It was a statement.

"Yeah," Norah said. "I was hoping to ask you something."

She anticipated the question. "You're not leaving this house."

"Please. I want to go see Colleen. I was hoping you could drop me off on your way to work."

"No. You are grounded for a reason."

"Colleen is part of that reason. I want to see if she's okay. She hasn't been to school this week either."

"You could just give her a call."

"You know that's not the same."

"I don't like the idea."

"What idea?" Norah's father asked as he walked into the room.

"Of Norah going to Colleen for the day," Nicole answered. 

He sat down at the table with the day's newspaper. "Why not? I think it would be good for her to get out a little."

Norah felt a pang of guilt about her excursion with Ellis earlier that week, but shook it off and tried to focus on the issue at hand.

"Martin, she is grounded. She got suspended from school, for goodness sake."

"So?" Martin asked, shrugging and opening his paper. "We all make mistakes. You don't have to hold it over her head forever."

Nicole glared at him. Her blue eyes were ice. Norah felt the chill radiating from it seep into her bones. "I'm going to work," she said as she stood up. She poured her leftover cereal down the sink and left.

Norah felt a lump in her throat. She wrung her hands on top of the table as she looked at her dad. He sighed deeply, obviously not impressed with Nicole's reaction.

He looked at Norah. "How quick can you be ready?"

"Five to ten minutes," she said meekly.

"I'll be waiting here."

She quickly ran upstairs and got dressed. The days were getting chillier and chillier, so she opted for a pair of baggy blue jeans, a gray sweatshirt over a white t-shirt and her favourite sneakers. After putting on some mascara and running a brush through her hair, she was back downstairs. After buckling up in his car, her dad gave her a soft smile. Suddenly Norah had a greater appreciation for his drama free policy on life. If only her mother was the same. She decided to bring a backpack with some goodies in at the last minute.

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