Chapter 8

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As soon as she got her second test back, Norah knew she was going to have to take Ellis up on his offer. Her second algebra test was barely a pass, but she comforted herself with the fact that she at least didn't fail it as well. In line in the cafeteria, she looked as glum as could be. Ellis slid in next to her in line and hip-checked her.

"Howdy, neighbour!" he sang cheerfully. "Why the long face?"

"Math," she said. "Again."

His smile softened in sympathy. "Can I help?"

"I would really appreciate it."

"I'll come home with you after school and you can show me what you're having trouble with."

"Thank you."

He smiled again. It didn't quite reach his eyes, but she knew it was genuine. "It's my pleasure."

When they went back to getting their lunches, Jena joined them in line.

"Hey, Doodle," she greeted Norah and then looked at Ellis. "Hi, Ellis."

"Doodle?" he said questioningly. "Oh! Because of the comic."

"So she told you?" Jena asked. "Have you read it?"

"Not all of it," he said, glancing at Norah. "It's prety long."

"Trust me," Jena said. "It's worth every second of your time. It's gets pretty intense sometimes."

"Oh, it's cool so far. I'm really digging the main character. She's hot."

Norah scoffed. "I'm glad you think so."

"That wasn't your intention?" he asked. 

"Not really, no. I just needed her to be likeable."

His eyebrows shot up. "Oh, she's likeable alright. Ten out of ten, would bang."

Both girls started laughing. Norah took it as a compliment though. Although not really anything physical, she did put a lot of herself into Ember. A few personal traits, dreams, goals, fears... All of it came from her and went into Ember to make her a slightly more realistic character. It was nice to hear her friends talk about her work like they were true fans. She knew Jena was, but Ellis had only just gotten into it. They took a seat at their regular table, but Colleen didn't join them. Norah looked over at where she sat with Colin and his friends. She didn't spare her friends a glance, too absorbed in Colin. Norah hasn't really spoken to her since the announcement.

"Do you think she'll ever come back?" Jena asked critically.

Norah could only shake her head. "I don't know. Maybe."

"Maybe if Colin breaks her heart." Jena stabbed at her food. "I mean, are we supposed to do something?"

"Maybe. But only if we have reason to."

"It's Colin Masters," she said as she shot Norah a hard stare. "Him being him is enough reason."

"Let's just leave it," Norah tried to dismiss the topic. "It's her life. She can do with it what she wants."

Jena gave up on the conversation. She went back to impaling her food to help her feel better. All the while, Ellis and Buzz just listened to them talk. It was a little bit different from their perspective, because they knew Colin personally and even though they knew the girls' concerns were warranted, there really wasn't anything anyone could do without upsetting Colleen.

After school, Norah and Ellis drove home together. If there was one thing Norah appreciated about Ellis, it was his taste in music. It was flawless. Anything he'd bring up, any song, any band, Norah would love them. She just knew if they started talking about music that she would become obsessed with something new. During the drive home, they sang along to The Killers' Mr Brightside. Very off key, but loudly and passionately. This was the highlight of her day; being a total goofball with the guy who was becoming her best friend. She shook her head to the rhythm of the music, her short hair flying in every direction. Ellis did the same, just a little less vigorously. His focus still on driving. Norah could tell that he was having fun though. His bigger than big smile was proof of that. He turned down the volume when he pulled into his driveway and turned off the car. They didn't say a word as they headed towards Norah's house. She let them in and dropped her backpack at the foot of the stairs. It drove her mother crazy when she left it there.

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