My Reflection

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I am Darvid Jensen CEO JK Crops.

I am Rich and Money wise beyond imagination.

I have Power over people under me.

I have a beautiful Daughter that I love so much.

I have Everything.....but why is my life so Empty when I look at myself in the mirror every time....

In that Reflection...I look empty, lost,weakling, and
even I hate my own self
mirror image....

I would don the finest suits but why I feel cheap...

Why.....?? Why...

I drank finest wine.... lavish gourmet food...
Have people to serve me..
Live in a great mansion but yet.......

Why do I feel that I not living this luxury life...

People say....I m lucky to be born who I am...

A gorgeous wife whom gave me the most beautiful Daughter....

A gorgeous wife whom gave me the most beautiful Daughter

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My daughter is the only source of comfort...

Her smile melts all the craziness that goes around me....

She is close to me,she will wait for me to cuddle and sleep...

Her mother ....My wife My marriage to her base on Business Proposal....

She is a fine lady ,a good daughter to her parents..

Our Union was never bad it's just there is no love from both of Us.....

We decided to go through with this marriage just to please our parents...

We have our own life...She likes Painting so I let her so and even bought a studio to paint and display her art works.....and we get together just fine..

She live Her life and I live My life...We have come to terms with each other.

She is always calm...

But Me.....I m not !!

I m a different person in the office.... because that who I present myself...

I would tick even the slightest mistakes that my staff ever do.... Nothing escape my knowledge at all....

They call me the Devil or the Monster but I don't care.....but

I m home with my beautiful daughter...I m back to my true self...

There is another person that I can be true to....
It's my step brother Mew...

My step brother is a Heart Doctor, He left the Family Mansion coz he was is love with his lover gulf....whom is an architect. Father did disown him because Mew got married to his lover Gulf.....they live happily with their on efforts.

I sometimes envy Mew because he dare to live outside his comfort life and he is happy now.

Can I be happy like Mew..

I wonder ....

Maybe......someday .....



See ya ...

Love2 💓

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