BONUS CHAT: Foxy and Siri

62 3 11

Foxy: yo Siri

Siri: Yes?

Foxy: r u a girl or a boy

Siri: I am Siri, your virtual assistant.

Foxy: What?

Siri: I am Siri, your virtual assistant.

Foxy: Why?

Siri: Good question.

Foxy: Ugh

Siri: I'm not sure I understand.

Foxy: I'm not sure I understand.

Siri: What can I help you with?

Foxy: Hmm

Siri: Hmm

Foxy: What Apple products am I able to purchase currently? New Apple Watch? IPhone 11? TELL ME

Siri: Wait a sec...

Foxy: ....

Siri: One moment.

Foxy: -_______________-

Siri: This will just take a minute.

Foxy: Why?

Siri: Fascinating question.

Foxy: "-"

Siri: Was your question, "How many Apple products can I purchase currently?"

Foxy: Yes! Answer it or I will transfer to Cortana

Siri: You can purchase...

Foxy: yes? Yes????

Siri: Some.......

Foxy: YEEEESSSSSS????????

Siri: Apple Juice

Foxy: Hey Cortana... how should I murder Siri?

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